Wednesday, May 1, 2019

5.1.19 ASB Posters

To take a more full advantage of the high school experience Anna has elected to run for ASB Secretary. So last weekend was full of coloring and preparing. 

Millie has a staring role in Anna's campaign film.

 Reed got in the action too, there were a lot of words to color.
Alia also got to be part of the video, she is really starting to move know and loves to get what she wants.
A very kind and talented friend played the accompaniment to the video.

The generous school secretary also makes an appearance in the video.

Addie spent time trolling pinterest finding poster ideas and sending them to Anna and Aliza, she also began learning to make videos on ivideo. Anna took over and did a great job making a presentation that accurately portrays her. This week she has to catch from missing two days last week and is preparing to miss some days next week.School becomes kind of optional in the spring with FFA involvement.

Last week she was a host/assistant for the Owyhee Field Days. This experience hosts over 1000 5th graders over two days to learn about agriculture and the Owyhee watershed. She loves that project! It is such a great program for the youth to learn more about the obvious yet totally oblivious world around them. She and Aliza spent a few minutes capturing the beauty of the well watered desert and brought home some stunning pictures.

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