Monday, May 6, 2019

5.6.19 A New Shirt

I'm writing in awe of the difference a new shirt can make. It's the difference between a wave and stopping getting out of the car and giving a hug, visiting for a few or a lot of minutes. A new shirt means I will not be hiding behind the wheel but rather smiling and recharging as I visit with others. It is the strength to try to share love and concern with those around me. It's maybe overrated but I'm thankful I indulged nad bought one because today it has meant the difference between loving others and hiding at home.

I got the shirt on Saturday while I waited fro my boys who were attending a merit badge fair. I spent about 2 hours trying on clothes with Bruce and Alia in tow. They were awesome. I was excited to have gone down a size and to find some pieces I liked at prices I would pay.

Today is this girl's birthday. From the get go she has been concerned for me. Over a decade ago I had my first and last vacation from kids.  I spent the entire 7 days with her in Boise in the NICU. I cried I rested, I ordered delicious hospital food truly it was good! I watched movies and pondered. I enjoyed the spring flowers and the break from my kids. I worried about my ability to mother 6 kids and wondered who that baby would become. She is amazing. She is one of my children who has been aware of my needs and seeks for me to have a break or relax. She gives me things like a nights sleep from the time she came home from the hospital she wanted to sleep alone and all through the night! She wants to do things that would make less stress for me. She is organized and energetic. She wants to be known and she has a knack for happiness. She is focused and willing to do what it takes (WORK) for what she wants.

Life is good we had a full weekend and came away with new and renewed friendships and experiences.

One final note in the scriptures there has been much said about Mary listening vs. Martha working while Christ was in their presence. I am so a Martha. I too am worried much. I too need to choose to listen to the Saviors words more. I find peace in the scriptures and in holy music. Martha also went on to bear strong testimony that Jesus was in fact the Son of God and could do all things, and then she cried with sadness that even in His presence her brother was dead and she missed him. I too have a testimony of Jesus Christ and yet I loose my temper and get frustrated and upset. I love Martha I love her strength and that her weaknesses are also recorded because good people are mortal people.

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