Friday, May 31, 2019

6.1.19 Memorial day

I love the memorial day holiday. I love the flags, flowers and family memories. This year was a big one. We started by helping place flags at the local cemetery. All helped!

Note the newly metal free smile on Aliza. Still getting use to her new mouth she is lovely anyway you look at her. The young lady on her left is her best friend a true gem of a lady Maddy.

FFA friends. These are sweet hard working girls too. Jenifer and Helen.

FFA and 4-H kids joined forces to get the cemetery covered we put out a lot of flags and crosses.

Memorial day morning is time for the annual decorate the streets with flags done by these strong young men. 


Then we move on to decorating our family stones at another cemetery. I love this. I get great joy out of making bouquets. My heart swells as the kiddos carry them reverently and proudly to place at each headstone. I am happy to hear and see them running and playing. Life is to be lived not just mourned. Their life means these people and their lives keeps on going through the ages, from habits, to looks, to values held dear those vibrant young kids are the continuation of eternity. 

Flowers for my nephew's grave site. Specially prepared by a loyal Aunt Mary.

His marker for now. 

My mom with the wagon that was then empty of flowers. We had that many and more to show respect to the many friends and family who are resting in that quiet place. She is very thorough in her planning and delegating. This day goes off without a hitch because of her leadership. 

I pulled a mom and made the kids stay and watch the military tribute. Again they must learn the why and be respectful of the many who gave their all. It was beautiful and short, no politicians were present this year.

My reluctant teenagers. Aliza sang the national anthem this year for the family group. It was a delight to hear her live. I usually just get a video recording. Patriotism is becoming a lost skill/art. We have been fortunate to go through many a cub scout pack meeting so we know about the salute and reverencing our flag... many kids have never had that experience.

The long anticipated annual wagon ride.

Each part of this day truly honors one of my corn grandparents. The flowers from my grandmothers yard and the carrying on of remembering her family and other dear friends. The picnic and old tractors complete with enough seating for all would make my papa so happy. He did not love large group gatherings but he did love his family and would be pleased this was happening. And my sweet dad who puts a lot of thought and effort into making this event happen - it's just tradition- but it's masterfully thought out and orchestrated so it is just easy.

The boys took the flags down that night and the kids nursed a few sunburns but overall it was a peaceful day to think a bit about the past, connect with the now and build for the future. Summer is a great time of year!

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