Friday, May 31, 2019

5.31.19 A few snapshots from here

Oh man this summer is fast. With so moany able bodies we are constantly running whether it be working or from working or something else there is a lot going on. I love having so many bodies but it is honestly difficult to wrap my head around efficiency and peaceful days. I'm hoping with a little less required next week it will be better. As I realize we are committed to swim lessons and dance camp, maybe not. This lady loves the extra holds and attention. She is progressing so fast. 2 teeth and climbing up stairs pulling herself up almost anywhere and eating at will. 

Not quite sure about uncle Jay though. He looks familiar but not.

Our pretty Spitty. The pre-teen fireball who mutters a lot and is sharp with getting things done and cutting people at the knees. She is a unique pre-teen. And a funny duck.

My sweet little getting big fast girls. On a walk. They are learning to ride bikes, working hard on their school stuff and will be learning the finer points of swimming next week. 

Another service opportunity. The texts and calls come frequently for some muscles to get jobs done. They are so capable and I worry constantly that we are running out of time to get important lessons learned and discussed before they leave my home. Did I teach them enough of the right things? DId they have an adequate childhood? Are they ready? STRESS I tell you.

A random surprise from a sweet associate. The florist said "We were both in tears talking about how nice you are." Ahhh. I was totally surprised I do love fresh flowers.

BRuce helping grandma with his garden. He loves to help.

And a picture that chilled me to the bone. Three fat hogs on stroll through my lawn while I was home alone. AHHH! They surprisingly rounded up pretty well. Alena helped me get them back to the correct pen, Greg even showed up and helped. PHEW. They are now locker meat. Yum yum. 

And that is the beginning of summer here. MY older kids have been gone for a few days I'm surprised how much less stress it has been. as I've been digesting this I've come up with I can focus on the younger group I'm not torn between teen drivers, how to get places when my car is gone, what they should be doing with their many responsibilities if they are interacting socially enough etc. I'm just working with the younger kids. It's nice. I'm reading a parenting book and realizing I'm an taking too much on me and need to turn the decisions and consequences back to the older kids. I will try to keep that in mind as they return later today. Like I said that time running out feeling is eating me up gotta learn to let go of that as well. Life is good but right now it feels really really short. Off to hoe some weeds.

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