Friday, May 3, 2019

5.3.18 Warm weather

The weather has turned warmish and we have officially began to spend time outside in our big house the lawn! Brothers are the best!! I was missing LIa one night and asked where she was? The girls replied Reed had her outside. Now I have been very careful to keep her inside where it is warm, wind and manure free, and boring. Reed took her outside plunked her on the grass where she could observe the chickens from a safe distance and she was a happy camper. He has done this everynight since nad she loves it when he comes home.
The younger girls are learning to ride bikes, thanks to Aunt Rachel finding us some. Livy mastered it in one night thanks to Marks patience running along side. Millie is still trying and the ones younger are still just watching. All the kids the can are riding bikes until I drag them in for dinner or bedtime. Spring is so good.

Alia mastered the sitting up pose. She is getting bigger everyday.

We are working and working on getting the correct pig pictures. Instead of a weigh in you share 4 pictures of your pig, left, right, front back, and one with you in it with them. that is much harder than it sounds. Especially depending on lighting, time of day, willingness of kid and or pig to be cooperative. I have almsot a hundred pictures of pigs on my phone. They move fast. 

The sunsets are glorious. We live in such a beautiful spot and the girls are so good at noticing. They run by me saying mom I need your phone. They return with beautiful scenes I rarely catch during school days.

 Bruce eating in bed. He's such a cutey and funny guy. These are much preferred to cookies or crackers or peanuts I usually find.

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