Tuesday, May 14, 2019

5.14.19 A Garden Activity

My kids were so excited to do an activity last night. We worked on getting our garden in the ground. We mostly got tomatoes planted and got plans for the other crops. It is so hopefully that the tomatoes will completely fill these tall cages. But honestly caged tomatoes produce so much more than free ones. And yes by August those cages will be full to overflowing. 

We tried a new process this year. We glued our seeds to toilet paper to be less messy and more accurate in spacing. The girls and grandma did strip after strip of beet and bean seed.

The older kids are tentatively wading into the water responsibilities here. Anna and John had went to dig corrugates and came back with hands full of blisters. They will toughen up soon.

These pictures were just too cute. He is such a happy camper all the time but especially when he is working with his brothers. 

And this little lady is sure big stuff these days she pulled herself up the first time yesterday. She couldn't move from this wide power position and she was sure happy to be upright. The more kids we get the faster the young ones want to be big like the older ones. Life goes fast around these parts.

This year I'm taking over garden responsibilities on the farm. I'm a lot nervous. I wondered as I laid in bed last night if I should just go hoe it all up this morning. How am I going to find time to do this? Although it will be a good plan for my hope of getting more fit. The baby above is very possessive and was most content on my back than independently watching. I guess we will figure this stage out too.
It was my birth day. That's always a strange day of anticipation, some self pride and some let-down. I debated what I wanted to do. I ended up watching kung fu panda 2 with the kids and doing some chores. I loved a post I saw about Monday being a big crash back into reality after taking some time off for mother's day. Yep! I made a black chocolate cake which was pretty good, and made my children suffer through tacos for dinner. It was a real toss up to go eat alone so as not to hear their complaints, or stay and eat with them as they are my family. It was cheaper and more efficient to endure their complaints.
We worked together in the garden and ate cake as we studied scriptures. Reed and Millie gave me his pocket change, Addie lettered the envelope. Livy wrote me a card. The fact she could and did do that was the best gift of all. Afton drew me some shapes and happily shared her sentiments with me. They are sweet in their thoughtful gestures of love. I am thankful for the sweet closeness of needy bodies. Their quirks and challenges and the love and excitement they bring into my life. Life is good.

Even as the years tick by I'm surprised at the difficulty of growing up. My own not theirs. They are still in the graceful period of closer observation and direction, of physical maturation that is obvious not in the dull enduring, working to become disciplined and improving.

This year I'm working on growing up. That seems to be the only answer to some problems that keep churning around. To just choose/work/repent/fake it till you make it grow up. Lots of praying will hopefully help this uncharted journey be successful and progress to be noticeable. The lack of noticeable progress is a  frustrating part of adulthood. There are few big milestones to check off anymore, just daily tasks most of which are tedious and the real work of keeping focused and intentional on the endless cycle. I read today in the scriptures about keeping a firm mind. What a great descriptor to stay firm, not lead away be vain imaginings, past hurts, hopes and dreams but to know and remember what is real and what is not.

Maybe that is part of aging? I have been leaving elements on when removing pans... maybe I'm loosing my mind? Time will tell. Another year, not wiser but more experienced on the books. Much more forgotten and more need to write it down because it flits through my hands and mind's memory like sands in an hour glass. Here's to growing like the tomato plants, to finally bear good fruit and to be majestic. If only it happened as fast, May to late August boom! Success!! Maybe it is and I'm not seeing it. Time will tell.

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