Friday, May 31, 2019

5.31.19 wedding weekend

My sister in-laws children got married a few weekends ago. We were honored to be asked to help with festivities. IT's hard for me to take my large always hungry family to a gathering with no payment. Our meager wedding gifts are not an even trade. But we discovered after being part of some wedding parties that after the show is over the tired family (mom & dad are usually left with a huge overwhelming task of taking everything apart. Voila! We can take things apart. We are careful and diverse enough to handle the pretties and fresh and careful enough to just do the legwork. Carry boxes and presents, cleanup used paperware and in this case roll up the ceiling. 
Aunt Shauna has an eye for beauty and detail. She made a magical evening happen. It was lovely!

I got to be in the kitchen with the kids and grandma. It was even more magical in there. There was enough for all the cousins to be needed! Enough to chop, fill, top and create that we needed all ten or so of them. They laughed they worked together they renewed and healed friendships. It was powerful the spirit of service was thick and I smiled inside.

We even took a moment to dance. Addie took this picture in slow motion it was interesting to watch and see how we move together. I have always loved dancing and was so thrilled to find GReg is so capable and willing a dance partner. He is good!

His parents were also enjoying a dance. It was just elegant to be under the lights and soft canopy.

Aliza was the babysitter extraordinare. Many parents thanked her for an afternoon off.

Mini-cheesecakes the specialty of the bride. Oreo, new york, and key lime flavors.

Chicken salad sandwiches hand cut and stuffed.

Veggie cups in ranch. Delicious!

All real cake the chocolate ganache and lemon raspberry were the crowd favorite. Over 100 lbs of cake there.

And the kids room. Aunt Kristi is always "cool" and made super special lunches for each kid individually, then they were plugged in for over 7 hours. They loved it and were seen but not heard.

At the temple. It was blowing and raining and miserable but eliminated the big picture taking plan. Oh well.

Still space to visit.

We had to drive down early friday morning so we bought some muffins when we got to town. Rare that we get dad as part of our group.

Night number two. My cute nephew. 

More movies no complaints at all.

This time the cake had a lego couple. The groom was a master lego builder and robotics champ.

These little boys grew up to be tall young men. Wow! Definitely family resemblance and yet unique.
 Uncle Jay is still taller but not by much.

And the take-down. Many hands make light work was the name of the game. This usually takes over 4 hours. We did it in a skimpy 2.

Again something for everyone and a way to be of use. Aunt Shauna and Uncle Don are patient and know how to keep the show rolling. It is always a pleasure to work with family.
The next day we were tired but took some time to play around a bit. Another sweet nephew.

I was in tears at the overflowing of love that this weekend held. It is definitely my love language to do things and to serve. Mission accomplished. We ate desserts every ten minutes or so and had lots of good food and conversation. A quick trip to the temple for GReg and I then the kids solo. Everything is so close it was amazing!! Another rejuvenating trip to that magical place they live. Life is good. And it was sweet to take a short break.

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