Friday, January 31, 2020

1.31.20 FFA Season Begins

And so the intense season of speaking and debating and wearing the official blue and gold jacket of the FFA began this week. Harold competed for his state degree. Addie took the picture below I never would capture him so relaxed and happy. He needed the picture for his presentation. Anna had spent many hours helping him prepare, he had to continually polish the reporting side of the process. It was good and frustrating for him, as anything worth winning is. I'm pleased to say he passed the application and presentation phase and will be our next state degree recipient. He is so cool under pressure when he got to a random blank slide in the presentation he casually said and "This is where we take a breather and relax before moving on." Love my cool son. 

Anna was given the gift of a photo shoot from her president friend. I love the color contours on the pictures. She is in the thick of preparing for Extemporaneous speaking and chairing her Parliamentary Team. She has loved being the District President and done a great job being in charge!
Photo courtesy of KnR photography

A hard fought for award. Anna placed second or third her sophomore year, but in the run off a few months later didn't place. She placed first last year and again was denied at the run-off. This year she won both contests. She has had a lot of opportunity to interview and be interviewed she has gained confidence and resolve through the up's and down's of FFA. I'm so thankful she was able to move on this year.
Aliza placed second, and their friend and teammate Kayliegh McGourty placed third. All three move on to sectionals. And will be practicing more between now and then.

The new district officer team. One of the questions in the interview was to choose between three objects: sunglasses, tape, and a set of keys, and then explain how they would help them lead in the next year. Aliza was the only one to choose the tape. She is dynamic that way. 

The outgoing team from this year. Anna had a good time getting to know each of these leaders.

A sampling of the many Vale kids that competed this day. These are intense smart kids who work hard and compete in many different ways. I'm glad my kiddos rub shoulders with these kids and learn to live and let live, and have adventures with such a diverse yet similar group. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

1.23.20 Be there

We are emerging from a rough bout of the flu, thankful for general good health and a quick run through the family. I watched in awe as my kids literally lined up to throw up and were so good at keeping it contained and kind to each other. A night to not be forgotten soon.
The following day they stayed home to rest their very weary stomachs and to continue the healing process. It was a nice day having the house full of kids. I cleaned and cleaned as is necessary after such a large scale attack. 9 people in one night with the tenth the next day. Alia had been sick on Monday and I had it the Saturday prior. I'm glad I wasn't in the mix on Tuesday and could just watch and care for those who needed it. 
Life goes on though and even with the sickness chores and basic care such as cooking and dishes has to be done. Mark was head dishwasher as he and John somehow did not succumb this time. 

I've talked a lot about the choice we are making to teach our kids work, this night Reed was Greg's helper getting the cold fence restored to hotness again. The older kids were off to the cotillion and/or  stake dance. Reed is a good helper, it's a real inconvenience that darkness comes so quickly this time of year. 

One Sunday we noticed lovely floral bouquets left throughout the building. Being the garbage crew, every week we empty all the trash and take it out, we knew that these would be tossed in a few hours or days. As per tradition, we asked around and decided to take them home and share them with neighbors and friends. Anna thinks this is what she wants to major in so she headed up the bouquet responsibilities. We then broke into three groups and delivered flowers near and far. 

Flowers brighten and surprise people! I love sharing that. I think it is so much better than just tossing them in the garbage.

We have a budding reader in our midst. This lady copies what the older kids do and thus is in love with books. I can't imagine how cold and uninviting that floor should be but she had a great time just imagining away. 

A pretty lady who loves selfies. I am so thankful for her willingness to pitch in and do so much here. I also love her self-reliance. She takes care of her responsibilities and she can be fun and kind with her younger siblings. I heard her teaching them school on MLK day, they love when she plays with them too. 

This little lady got a long shoulder ride and was so pleased. If Greg gets home early enough and if the kids can talk fast enough he gives them each a should ride around the basement. The young ones get too big- like Livy, but to date there has been a next one to also want a ride. Thus, Lia is quickly becoming one of the lucky ones little enough to ride on dad's shoulders.
So much of family life is just the being together. Of course it matters how we spend our time, but so much is the being there. The sick day was compounded in sadness by a sick dog problem. Harold had noticed and reported the dog would not eat or move much on Sunday. On Monday the same thing. And then by evening was gone. I got a text Tuesday saying it was lying in an empty canal. The kids could not find it, but the next day Harold brought it home. The dog had gone from healthy and vibrant  to skinny and sick in a matter of days. This was hard for him and me. Not wanting it to suffer, and mostly because it had too many bad habits to address,  I had him take care of it. That was really hard. When he came home upset I held him. I did not mean to break his heart or his spirit. 
In the last week there have been some big moments of just being there. The awards assembly, the sickness, this incident. There is a lot to just being there. Not a big production or a major award or reward just being present. I try very hard to be present for my kids. I can't physically often join them in the adventures. I try very hard to make sure they get to go on adventures. I love that I can speak with them via phone while they are gone. I'm thankful fro the pictures they send. I'm more thankful often they are together. 
Life is hard, sometimes it is heartbreaking. That's mortality. Mom's are there to love you still and encourage you to grow through the sad. I'm thankful I can do that. We move on and continue to work through our days for good or bad we still love each other and that's the most important lesson of being a family. A long, hard day in the books, and I'm thankful that it came to PASS! The quiet normal of today is a nice breather before another weekend of activity and who knows what else. Life is good. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

1.21.20 Loving Lia

The little one keeps us comforted. She loves technology and insists on having a phone in her hands often. Harold was taking a selfie to get her to stop a minor fit. 

Bruce was sad about something he wasn't getting and she went over to give him a sweet hug. His crying continued so she kept returning to hug him again.

Anna is maybe her favorite person. I'm thankful these two have a sweet relationship. I try not to think about Anna leaving home. Oh well it's time for her to spread her wings some more. So I will continue to document the time they shared under one roof and not think too far in the future.

And her oblivion to the dangerous battle for position right next to her. Lia is confident all her older siblings would not hurt her so she waits for them to cease and desist and play with her again. Always they have books in hand I love when they share, its fun to go on the same reading adventure with them.

Lia also loves the piano, she is often found sitting playing the keys.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

1.18.20 Awards Assembly

The quarterly awards assembly. Early in the morning, kids grumbling that I am taking them and thus they are "late" meaning not half an hour early. Grouchy little ones who will be bored in about two minutes and the worry of being the scene instead of just part of the scenery. And of course just as the awards start for my next batch of kids, the ones pictured the little ones have to right now immediately or else head to the bathroom. Mostly a sight seeing excursion but you can never really ignore those pleas. So a kind friend there sans kids took the pictures. I have no idea why they got the award. Some kind of growth I guess. 

And at the end after all 5 got awarded something the sixth with a broken heart was held by her mom and comforted and my heart broke too. All those bovines come with a mom cost. I'm not here pushing homework, helping them with school expectations, managing computer time getting the younger ones a turn to do some more computer learning, which I don't like but is part of the school game these days.

Yes mom guilt, and quick wondering what to do how to help this child manage these feelings and this day? First instinct is always remove the child take them home wrap them in love and make it better. On second thought I told her when life doesn't go as we want we can't just quit. I told her we have to try again and keep working... so she got left at school and managed the day and continues to endure the days of education. I'm partly fooling myself to think I could daily give her the learning experiences she needs. And truly loosing or not winning is a big life lesson, one that is quickly being lost to this generation of kiddos. Lots of character, resolve, and steel is built when not winning. How I wish I could pad all my kids roads and make it easy, heck I wish my life was easy... but I get more satisfaction out of solving/doing hard things than of just floating along. In fact it's the days that are most full of new hard things that I feel most successful at night.
She did achieve her first 100 ar points this week and thus earned a book, popcorn, and ice cream certificate. I'm super proud of her diligence. I'm still worried about a lot of her educational experience but I know in a few years this will all just be a memory and she will be holding her own in her own niche just fine. This picture will be a distant memory, as it is for several of the kids in the picture who also sat for years getting no awards just putting in the time and working hard to get through the requirements. Life gets better.

Friday, January 17, 2020

1.17.20 Smart baby

John received new Nerf darts for Christmas. Thus he is back in action shooting unsuspecting siblings when he has time. Lia found a brilliant solution. Body shield. Somewhere she secured this clear plastic lid and used it to play with John. The middle section is totally clear thus allowing her to see but not feel the hits. 

John thought this was so cleaver. She needed no coaching she would peek over the top then he would aim and fire and she would deflect the hits. 

She's a smart cookie with lots of opportunities to learn new skills. The laundry was all clean! I just hadn't got to sorting it into kid piles, they are not keen on that job and rarely take it on unless feeling very generous. Oh well clean clothes are the priority not put away in drawers. Life is good.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

1.16.20 OBOB 2020 Begins

Mixed among the time outside with cows is time spent deep in books and stories. Between the read 100 books in January challenge my sister issued, and the upcoming OBOB competition we are getting pointy noses again. Aliza has headed up training the middle school kids for competition. She is serious about her expectations and they are working to do as she directs. I do love watching them work together! 

Not to be outdone the younger kids are also enjoying books at every turn, when unplugged. I have personally read about 60 books a week with them. I also managed to finish the Wright Brothers by David McCullough. I really enjoyed it and celebrated reading a whole book myself.

OH be still my heart! It still means a lot to me to see this guy enjoying books.

I am thankful for their interest in words and pictures. When each was asked what they enjoyed from Christmas break reading was the answer they all gave. We don't travel far in real time or presence but their eyes and minds are opened to so many different places and ideas in books. How grateful I am to the talented authors and artists that make books so entertaining and informative. Winter is a great time to read far and wide.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

1.15.20 We Survived!

The first of our many independent farm experiences is coming to a close. Those are cows walking away from our farm land to get in cattle hauling trucks and go their next place of residence. It was a happy day. I feel myself breathing easier. I am thankful for the time they munched here, yet I am glad to be relieved of watching other people's valuable property.

This day I was an extra cow helper. I took this picture because I was so thankful to find one glove in my pocket. I'm learning not to leave the house without full winter work gear on if not leaving for town. Chances are I will be gone for hours not minutes. I'm extremely thankful for stamina and a bit of know how to keep up with the varied activities of the day.
 I drove the hay feed wagon to hopefully entice the cows to follow me. Most of the 175 cows were happy to walk along, some were in a hurry and raced past. Cows are very agile. Don't let their large bodies fool you they can go anywhere and jump pretty high, not to mention move a quite a quick clip if desired. I'm thankful I didn't witness those feats until the moving experience. As I got to the literal end of the road I found another similar larger tractor blocking my way, which was good so then the cows didn't head for the hills, but it left me wondering for about 10 seconds where to go? I figured it out yet almost dumped my load in the ditch, in a panic I thought  "Ahhh! I need help." I realized there was no help to be had, so again pulled myself together and thought through how to  carefully back up the wagon into the surging herd of cows and get out of the ditch. All was well. Phew!

After a time of watering with Reed I realized the younger TV watching crowd needed some fresh air and movement. After a great deal of duress pealing them away from the screen they joined me at the farm for some cleanup. Plastic bags posh, baling twine is the useless, although sometimes critical single use item in my life these days. The kids moved a significant part of this pile. They had cute comments like "we don't quit till the job is done. And we do things all the way." That's from their dad, mom wears out much faster. But I stuck to my guns and made them work for a while. They are stronger than the know and will be learning those lessons again and again in the coming year.

 In a much needed celebration we headed to the big city and saw the belated Christmas lights. I've been wanting to share a large scale light display with my family for years. Thankfully the city waited for me and we managed it. It was beautiful, not too cold, and we were blessed to have some extra hands with my parents generously coming along. The younger kids especially were very impressed. IT was nice to be off the farm for a while.

My sweet husband obliging me with an evening adventure not of his choosing. I'm so thankful to have him by my side. And thankful for all the big kids who could swap holding little ones.

We enjoyed a buffet dinner after the lights and all loved the variety of choices. I'm not the biggest fan of buffets but all you can eat dessert makes my kids eyes light up. Mostly it was nice not to have to make big decisions to sit and relax and to celebrate we did a hard thing together. There were mishaps, and complaining, and a lot of learning on my part but we did it!! My children took care of me from managing the younger ones at home and dinners, to toting hoses and pumps with me and driving me to and from on fourwheelers- it's warmer and less windy on the back, although Reed isn't much of a windscreen yet. I know there is more to come, but I am confident working together we will manage and be better for it.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

1.9.20 My girls

This little lady continues to be a light in our home. She is getting more independent and dare devilish in her climbing, and less happy about being placed in a high chair instead of at the table with everyone else. She is terribly cute, and still gives the best hugs although the back-patting is gone. 

She is doing her job of being a clam in the storms of high school life well. Her older siblings get much-needed love from her whenever needed. She often chooses the over me unless it's bedtime. She smiles with a scrunched up nose and laughs some.

She also gets potato chips for lunch somedays because she is the baby. She loves to walk on the table I think it's because then she is at eye level with more of us. How we love having her in our home.

These two silly ladies were comparing feet. The one on the left has Saunders feet long and narrow with a large big toe. The one on the right has different easier to find shoes for feet. They grow so fast.

I'm thankful for each of these sweet ladies in my home and the special relationship they each have. They bless me daily and help me become better. Who knew being a mom could be so sweet and hard at the same time?

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

1.8.20 Beautiful Cow Nights

One of the perks of being outdoors each day is observing the beautiful displays of nature. The sunsets this week have been spectacular. They are so colorful and different. Last night the sky looked to be on fire with brilliant orange edging the pink and purple dream-like clouds. 

Never to be ones to get content with doing just what we have been doing, and because the cornstalks are done we have added feeding cows to our list of daily activities. Mark, John, and Addie feed after school. In the morning Harold, Greg, Mark, and John rush to get the hay to the cows and get to school and work on time. We are very thankful not to be dairy farmers. That is a lot of work everyday! Yet like most farm adventures this has, it's fun parts where kids smile and laugh and joke and the tedious parts where they grumble and scowl. And as with most responsibilities, it gets done in either mood. 

The cows mob the feed wagon and the kids get ready to bail. Addie was inadvertently assigned to help as she just needs more activity to slow her mouth, she actually has turned out to be a very careful tractor driver and it gets Mark out of the captain seat and into the physical side that is usually just John. John is a good sport to just do the job while Mark bosses. Addie loves to work with the boys... well sometimes. She is good friends with them except when they tease her. Oh, life is good.

Aren't the skies just beautiful? Just looking at these pictures you can sense the calm. There is something soothing about meeting the needs of so many. Truly listening to cows munch hay is one of my favorite pastimes. It's just calming.

Waiting on water. The one drawback to feeding hay aside from the extra time and bookkeeping is the cows are THIRSTY! I mean really thirsty. Hay is dry so they drink a lot more water, thus making Reed and I's job a lot bigger. We only have to get through today then the big herd is gone tomorrow!

We have all learned a lot about time management the nicety of just staying in the house. The greatness of Carhart and warm gloves and boots, and working together. I wonder about life a lot about our choices and our direction. I am amazed at the safety we are provided with even with the kids fall off the truck, or run into a fence and get swiped off a four-wheeler. They just roll, literally, ache a bit, and keep going. This has been good for us to stretch some more. The girls have become more capable cooks and we all just keep getting through the days. We end each day gathered together for scriptures and prayer. The young ones are held and corralled we enjoy the peace and endure the chaos of being a busy family. Just like these amazing sunsets there are a lot of colors that make them beautiful and they change rapidly. That's the same with family and farming. Lots of differnet situations and opportunities.