Thursday, January 23, 2020

1.23.20 Be there

We are emerging from a rough bout of the flu, thankful for general good health and a quick run through the family. I watched in awe as my kids literally lined up to throw up and were so good at keeping it contained and kind to each other. A night to not be forgotten soon.
The following day they stayed home to rest their very weary stomachs and to continue the healing process. It was a nice day having the house full of kids. I cleaned and cleaned as is necessary after such a large scale attack. 9 people in one night with the tenth the next day. Alia had been sick on Monday and I had it the Saturday prior. I'm glad I wasn't in the mix on Tuesday and could just watch and care for those who needed it. 
Life goes on though and even with the sickness chores and basic care such as cooking and dishes has to be done. Mark was head dishwasher as he and John somehow did not succumb this time. 

I've talked a lot about the choice we are making to teach our kids work, this night Reed was Greg's helper getting the cold fence restored to hotness again. The older kids were off to the cotillion and/or  stake dance. Reed is a good helper, it's a real inconvenience that darkness comes so quickly this time of year. 

One Sunday we noticed lovely floral bouquets left throughout the building. Being the garbage crew, every week we empty all the trash and take it out, we knew that these would be tossed in a few hours or days. As per tradition, we asked around and decided to take them home and share them with neighbors and friends. Anna thinks this is what she wants to major in so she headed up the bouquet responsibilities. We then broke into three groups and delivered flowers near and far. 

Flowers brighten and surprise people! I love sharing that. I think it is so much better than just tossing them in the garbage.

We have a budding reader in our midst. This lady copies what the older kids do and thus is in love with books. I can't imagine how cold and uninviting that floor should be but she had a great time just imagining away. 

A pretty lady who loves selfies. I am so thankful for her willingness to pitch in and do so much here. I also love her self-reliance. She takes care of her responsibilities and she can be fun and kind with her younger siblings. I heard her teaching them school on MLK day, they love when she plays with them too. 

This little lady got a long shoulder ride and was so pleased. If Greg gets home early enough and if the kids can talk fast enough he gives them each a should ride around the basement. The young ones get too big- like Livy, but to date there has been a next one to also want a ride. Thus, Lia is quickly becoming one of the lucky ones little enough to ride on dad's shoulders.
So much of family life is just the being together. Of course it matters how we spend our time, but so much is the being there. The sick day was compounded in sadness by a sick dog problem. Harold had noticed and reported the dog would not eat or move much on Sunday. On Monday the same thing. And then by evening was gone. I got a text Tuesday saying it was lying in an empty canal. The kids could not find it, but the next day Harold brought it home. The dog had gone from healthy and vibrant  to skinny and sick in a matter of days. This was hard for him and me. Not wanting it to suffer, and mostly because it had too many bad habits to address,  I had him take care of it. That was really hard. When he came home upset I held him. I did not mean to break his heart or his spirit. 
In the last week there have been some big moments of just being there. The awards assembly, the sickness, this incident. There is a lot to just being there. Not a big production or a major award or reward just being present. I try very hard to be present for my kids. I can't physically often join them in the adventures. I try very hard to make sure they get to go on adventures. I love that I can speak with them via phone while they are gone. I'm thankful fro the pictures they send. I'm more thankful often they are together. 
Life is hard, sometimes it is heartbreaking. That's mortality. Mom's are there to love you still and encourage you to grow through the sad. I'm thankful I can do that. We move on and continue to work through our days for good or bad we still love each other and that's the most important lesson of being a family. A long, hard day in the books, and I'm thankful that it came to PASS! The quiet normal of today is a nice breather before another weekend of activity and who knows what else. Life is good. 

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