Thursday, January 16, 2020

1.16.20 OBOB 2020 Begins

Mixed among the time outside with cows is time spent deep in books and stories. Between the read 100 books in January challenge my sister issued, and the upcoming OBOB competition we are getting pointy noses again. Aliza has headed up training the middle school kids for competition. She is serious about her expectations and they are working to do as she directs. I do love watching them work together! 

Not to be outdone the younger kids are also enjoying books at every turn, when unplugged. I have personally read about 60 books a week with them. I also managed to finish the Wright Brothers by David McCullough. I really enjoyed it and celebrated reading a whole book myself.

OH be still my heart! It still means a lot to me to see this guy enjoying books.

I am thankful for their interest in words and pictures. When each was asked what they enjoyed from Christmas break reading was the answer they all gave. We don't travel far in real time or presence but their eyes and minds are opened to so many different places and ideas in books. How grateful I am to the talented authors and artists that make books so entertaining and informative. Winter is a great time to read far and wide.

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