Thursday, January 2, 2020

1.3.20 Cow days

These lovely ladies are the essence of my days, weeks, and the past few months. They offer lots of quality time together as a family. Some spent hollering, some laughing, some talking, and lots of just watching. 

My kids are pretty strong from doing a lot of this. They are quick at putting up a fence. And strong from stretching wire and pounding posts.

And somedays they bail water and then roll troughs... the mud is making this a very natural experience.

 The other kids are spending a few hours each day picking up rocks. Rocks float and come to the surface every year. No matter how many rocks are picked up, and believe me it's been truckloads, there are still more. Generations have picked rocks on this farm. Not to be left out, my kids use some energy each day outside slowly picking up rocks. This has also become our go-to consequence for fighting. Works like a charm to have to go outside and fill some buckets to calm down.

Or to just go for a walk in the cornfield. The days have been gorgeous and fairly warm.

Not to worry we have spent a fair amount of time doing this during break. Reading and napping. Not usually in such odd positions but whatever need be.

And as always this lady is a pretty happy camper. She enjoys life and shares that happiness with all around her. We will be lonely next week when all the big kids go back to school.

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