Friday, January 31, 2020

1.31.20 FFA Season Begins

And so the intense season of speaking and debating and wearing the official blue and gold jacket of the FFA began this week. Harold competed for his state degree. Addie took the picture below I never would capture him so relaxed and happy. He needed the picture for his presentation. Anna had spent many hours helping him prepare, he had to continually polish the reporting side of the process. It was good and frustrating for him, as anything worth winning is. I'm pleased to say he passed the application and presentation phase and will be our next state degree recipient. He is so cool under pressure when he got to a random blank slide in the presentation he casually said and "This is where we take a breather and relax before moving on." Love my cool son. 

Anna was given the gift of a photo shoot from her president friend. I love the color contours on the pictures. She is in the thick of preparing for Extemporaneous speaking and chairing her Parliamentary Team. She has loved being the District President and done a great job being in charge!
Photo courtesy of KnR photography

A hard fought for award. Anna placed second or third her sophomore year, but in the run off a few months later didn't place. She placed first last year and again was denied at the run-off. This year she won both contests. She has had a lot of opportunity to interview and be interviewed she has gained confidence and resolve through the up's and down's of FFA. I'm so thankful she was able to move on this year.
Aliza placed second, and their friend and teammate Kayliegh McGourty placed third. All three move on to sectionals. And will be practicing more between now and then.

The new district officer team. One of the questions in the interview was to choose between three objects: sunglasses, tape, and a set of keys, and then explain how they would help them lead in the next year. Aliza was the only one to choose the tape. She is dynamic that way. 

The outgoing team from this year. Anna had a good time getting to know each of these leaders.

A sampling of the many Vale kids that competed this day. These are intense smart kids who work hard and compete in many different ways. I'm glad my kiddos rub shoulders with these kids and learn to live and let live, and have adventures with such a diverse yet similar group. 

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