Saturday, January 18, 2020

1.18.20 Awards Assembly

The quarterly awards assembly. Early in the morning, kids grumbling that I am taking them and thus they are "late" meaning not half an hour early. Grouchy little ones who will be bored in about two minutes and the worry of being the scene instead of just part of the scenery. And of course just as the awards start for my next batch of kids, the ones pictured the little ones have to right now immediately or else head to the bathroom. Mostly a sight seeing excursion but you can never really ignore those pleas. So a kind friend there sans kids took the pictures. I have no idea why they got the award. Some kind of growth I guess. 

And at the end after all 5 got awarded something the sixth with a broken heart was held by her mom and comforted and my heart broke too. All those bovines come with a mom cost. I'm not here pushing homework, helping them with school expectations, managing computer time getting the younger ones a turn to do some more computer learning, which I don't like but is part of the school game these days.

Yes mom guilt, and quick wondering what to do how to help this child manage these feelings and this day? First instinct is always remove the child take them home wrap them in love and make it better. On second thought I told her when life doesn't go as we want we can't just quit. I told her we have to try again and keep working... so she got left at school and managed the day and continues to endure the days of education. I'm partly fooling myself to think I could daily give her the learning experiences she needs. And truly loosing or not winning is a big life lesson, one that is quickly being lost to this generation of kiddos. Lots of character, resolve, and steel is built when not winning. How I wish I could pad all my kids roads and make it easy, heck I wish my life was easy... but I get more satisfaction out of solving/doing hard things than of just floating along. In fact it's the days that are most full of new hard things that I feel most successful at night.
She did achieve her first 100 ar points this week and thus earned a book, popcorn, and ice cream certificate. I'm super proud of her diligence. I'm still worried about a lot of her educational experience but I know in a few years this will all just be a memory and she will be holding her own in her own niche just fine. This picture will be a distant memory, as it is for several of the kids in the picture who also sat for years getting no awards just putting in the time and working hard to get through the requirements. Life gets better.

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