Wednesday, January 8, 2020

1.8.20 Beautiful Cow Nights

One of the perks of being outdoors each day is observing the beautiful displays of nature. The sunsets this week have been spectacular. They are so colorful and different. Last night the sky looked to be on fire with brilliant orange edging the pink and purple dream-like clouds. 

Never to be ones to get content with doing just what we have been doing, and because the cornstalks are done we have added feeding cows to our list of daily activities. Mark, John, and Addie feed after school. In the morning Harold, Greg, Mark, and John rush to get the hay to the cows and get to school and work on time. We are very thankful not to be dairy farmers. That is a lot of work everyday! Yet like most farm adventures this has, it's fun parts where kids smile and laugh and joke and the tedious parts where they grumble and scowl. And as with most responsibilities, it gets done in either mood. 

The cows mob the feed wagon and the kids get ready to bail. Addie was inadvertently assigned to help as she just needs more activity to slow her mouth, she actually has turned out to be a very careful tractor driver and it gets Mark out of the captain seat and into the physical side that is usually just John. John is a good sport to just do the job while Mark bosses. Addie loves to work with the boys... well sometimes. She is good friends with them except when they tease her. Oh, life is good.

Aren't the skies just beautiful? Just looking at these pictures you can sense the calm. There is something soothing about meeting the needs of so many. Truly listening to cows munch hay is one of my favorite pastimes. It's just calming.

Waiting on water. The one drawback to feeding hay aside from the extra time and bookkeeping is the cows are THIRSTY! I mean really thirsty. Hay is dry so they drink a lot more water, thus making Reed and I's job a lot bigger. We only have to get through today then the big herd is gone tomorrow!

We have all learned a lot about time management the nicety of just staying in the house. The greatness of Carhart and warm gloves and boots, and working together. I wonder about life a lot about our choices and our direction. I am amazed at the safety we are provided with even with the kids fall off the truck, or run into a fence and get swiped off a four-wheeler. They just roll, literally, ache a bit, and keep going. This has been good for us to stretch some more. The girls have become more capable cooks and we all just keep getting through the days. We end each day gathered together for scriptures and prayer. The young ones are held and corralled we enjoy the peace and endure the chaos of being a busy family. Just like these amazing sunsets there are a lot of colors that make them beautiful and they change rapidly. That's the same with family and farming. Lots of differnet situations and opportunities.

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