Thursday, January 9, 2020

1.9.20 My girls

This little lady continues to be a light in our home. She is getting more independent and dare devilish in her climbing, and less happy about being placed in a high chair instead of at the table with everyone else. She is terribly cute, and still gives the best hugs although the back-patting is gone. 

She is doing her job of being a clam in the storms of high school life well. Her older siblings get much-needed love from her whenever needed. She often chooses the over me unless it's bedtime. She smiles with a scrunched up nose and laughs some.

She also gets potato chips for lunch somedays because she is the baby. She loves to walk on the table I think it's because then she is at eye level with more of us. How we love having her in our home.

These two silly ladies were comparing feet. The one on the left has Saunders feet long and narrow with a large big toe. The one on the right has different easier to find shoes for feet. They grow so fast.

I'm thankful for each of these sweet ladies in my home and the special relationship they each have. They bless me daily and help me become better. Who knew being a mom could be so sweet and hard at the same time?

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