Wednesday, May 20, 2020

5.20.20 Mothers Day

This mothers day was very relaxed and peaceful. After an alarming conversation with my grandmother the day before reporting on the near isolation nursing home residents are enduring I decided to put the crew to work making mother's day cards. The girls dressed and ready to deliver with Harold as chauffeur. 

 Anna and Aliza helped letter and draw cards for the younger girls to color. I love the teamwork and sharing that occurred. This is what makes me happy as a mother, peace in my home among the family working on a common goal. Helping others to feel loved and of worth.

My kind parents sent this gorgeous bouquet of flowers. I was so surprised and even more surprised the many busy hands that live here left them alone to just be beautiful. 
 A cute Livy fresh from playing in the mud coming to snuggle with me while I watched a quick video of like dressed kids singing how the love their mother too. My kids love me and share life with me in all the natural rugged beauty and play.
I don't usually love mother's day I mostly feel inadequate and like I'm not doing the important parts enough. However, when I take a step back from judging myself against what other mothers do I realize I'm doing what I can, how I can and that's all right. I have a painting hanging in my room that is not finished. It's about halfway done the colors aren't varnished bright and their are outlines where trees may have been intended. I have this on my wall instead of a finished picture because it reminds me I too am in process. This family scenario and my character are all under construction. Somedays are noteworthy and amazing and some are just survived and endured. The last month has felt mostly like survival, I've been pampered by my crew giving me time and space to just rest and heal to to ease into this new addition to our family. They are so good to me, patiently forgiving and enduring my parenting weaknesses and loving me day by day as we walk the road of life. I am thankful for each one and the addition of personality and love they bring to our home. I am blessed to be the mother to this group.

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