Thursday, May 28, 2020

5.28.20 Graduation Parade

The almost final piece of graduation the parade. This graduation seemed to go on and on. Yet I did not want to be the rain on the parade, or have Anna look back with regret, we continued trying to be part of the hoopla. On Friday I rationalized Anna should probably have a sign. A call to the local butcher and we were graciously gifted some poster paper from the school. I instructed Anna to secure some writing supplies and on Sunday she found time to make her signs. She made them because she has the prettiest handwriting. I did apologize for not being more involved. She graciously replied she was fine with making her sign how she wanted it.  

One surprise we found as we drove into town was our friends and neighbors lining the streets. I was waving like a princess at all the people we knew and hadn't seen for so long. It was so fun to smile without a mask! We got to the shop and set up to watch the parade.
The first noisy float was the teachers. These people have truly made high school memorable. They are good sports and very creative.

There were all different kinds of vehicles driven. 

I had envisioned Anna riding in the back of our pickup with her dad driving. She had visions of this.

 Harold was her support person in the car. As they cruised past us he laid the seat down, but sat it up for the rest of the parade. He has hopes he too will get to be in a senior parade next year.

 My kids were impressed with the monster pickup one graduate rode in.

 I loved the decked out van. I had never even considered vinyl.

And after much deliberation and a knowledgeable nudge from Aunt Mary Anna decided to go to the all night party. It was a fun time and a great closure to the unique end to high school she experienced. Honestly I would choose this quick hand the diploma, and then fun casual parade any time. The finished compilation video was convenient to watch at home when we got to it. I sincerely will miss this very casual very personal time of life.

As all the graduation stuff came and went part of me was very sad that Anna was not in the group pictures that she was not part of the crew. The other part realized she had a great high school experience. She did what she wanted for most of the time and she has become what I had hoped. Again back to wondering if I had made her odd?
Couple that with various kid experiences of the last few weeks, they are not part of the kid groups here, we are our own group, and I was pretty low of late wondering what we were doing wrong. I found a paper Anna had written in her journey to state certification that she was learning about friends. Her first line was "I have never been without friends because my parents gave me a brother then other siblings. These are my friends." I was touched, and remembered how she fought for her siblings during the slating of officers from FFA interviews. Anna is loyal.
From those same FFA interviews neither Aliza or Harold received and office. I was brought back to wondering why? Yet today my first phone call of the day was a compliment that my kids while on their own away from my eyes were hard workers, not fighting, just efficient and capable. I was thankful they showed that they are friends and a team.
I've discussed before how hard it is to watch your kids loose. To be in the position of watching and wishing you could make the outcome what you dreamed, not what it is. This was a double whammy to have both kids rejected at the same time. Add it to the list of not happening for 2020. Yet, after an hour or so of driving around the conclusion was broached that this might be a real blessing and there were other opportunities waiting. This was music to my ears and a real lesson in just taking some time to digest.
I learned a few weeks ago, while at a social thing and not being part of the large discussion going on, that I wanted to be where I was talking with whom I was talking. It's not always better in the larger group. And as the spirit has reminded me today just because we are not part of the larger group we have made a difference in small groups with small actions.
Live and learn and be happy with who you are. Huge lessons that I sincerely hope I know and am able to share with my kids.
My final comments to the kids yesterday is we had decided and worked very hard to give them things that we believe last a lifetime. 1.We gave them siblings believing that they will always be loved and have friends. 2. We give them work believing that leads to confidence and self- reliance. So we march on the sun is shining there is food in the fridge and lots of music to be sung and enjoyed. Some days are easier than others and life is still good.

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