Monday, May 25, 2020

5.24.20 Listening

I have to report when we actually listen to those smallest of promptings. Last week I considered going to a yard sale. I need to be able to help the baby and thus enlisted Aliza to chauffeur. John heard and having experienced a yard sale and knowing the possible treasure hunt it could be asked to go. The morning of the sale I wavered feeling it was a waste of time, Aliza and John spurred me on, Aliza informing me she had never been to a yard sale. Well I have always enjoyed a good yard sale, you never know what prize might be found, so we headed out. After a quick look around and finding a few bargains, a whole box of card size envelopes for .25 cents was my personal favorite, we headed out. We had some time to kill before our next appointment so we stopped at Grandmas house.

We found her sad and resolved that her dog was ready to be put down due to a large tumor on her leg. She has had this plan for almost a full year. The tumor has steadily grown and slowed the little dog down. I have talked grandma out of putting the dog down several times encouraging her to just wait. Well due to the large size and grandma's worry it would explode over the long weekend I offered to take them to the vet. She agreed and we headed there slowly after taking this picture.

Dogs are good companion animals, and this one has been particularly helpful as my grandma is a widow. It was hard to say goodbye, and a sad event I had not foreseen myself as a part of.
Yet, I was glad to be there to be able to hug my grandmother and to share her sadness for a few moments. She said she was glad to not have to do this alone, I was glad too.

As we drove away a short time later I realized all the events  leading up to being there were tender mercies and guided. It's nice to be at the right place at the right time, to help someone else, and especially to help dear loved ones when they need it. I'm thankful we could love grandma this day. God is in the details of our lives.

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