Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5.6.20 Days and weeks

 Even though mom has been hiding trying to recover and nurse, their are a lot of people here who kept growing, changing, and becoming. A few snapshots to document their learning. John loves bagels! He has been practicing and makes really good bakes as often as allowed. Though Greg still calls them a very weak substitute for donuts the rest of us devour them. 

Addie is really growing into her own abilities. She is organized and thorough. She gets the homework in on time, makes sure we have what we need, films pe videos, writes speeches, and cooks. She is quite the young lady and a real key to why life has continued looking semi-normal from the outside.

Lia is a busy almost two year old, this day she got stuck in a lid. After some readjusting Aliza got it off.

My beautiful Aliza photo courtesy of Addie. They were working on chapter officer election video and snapped some still shots for fun. She is so beautiful and occupied teaching herself at home. Studious doesn't do justice to the pile of hours she spends on school.

Millie ready for the day she is a go-getter who finally lost her other front tooth. Being that the tooth fairy forgets she put her own money under her pillow. Love her determination and willingness to make life how she wants it.

As each baby comes the one above becomes an adamant daddy fan. Lia is no exception she cries and cries if left home when dad goes. He has been around the property more with the farming going on. The kids love going with him no matter the time of day or weather they love to be with their dad.

Mark is mostly out and about working, but there are rare moments when he is in a house and then he tries to get a turn with baby Merle.

All together for dinner. It feels good to be all together, even with the noise and confusion it is good. 

Reed obliged his teacher in completing one of her weekly assignments. He has been working a lot riding as lookout on the planter tractor, caring for the multitude of baby animals and herding his younger siblings, oh and gardening. Reed is a busy guy and loving  a new kind of curriculum. If not working his nose is found in a book. 

So we continue to work on and on. Days and nights blur together I can't say where we are at in a week and it really doesn't matter we divide the time by Sundays. Life is good and we are thankful for each contribution.

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