Wednesday, May 27, 2020

5.27.20 Being together

New little babies sure are fun to cuddle and worry about and watch and listen for. We are enjoying and adjusting to the new experience of baby and having time to get to know him, not just wedging him among the activity of normal busy we usually live. Everyone takes a baby break. He loves to look at the kids and see what is going on. 

We found out on Monday of last week that Reed had a 22 page report due by Wednesday. We hurried and printed the pages and began reading to get educated on the topic. Between the teachers resources, google searches and youtube videos we got a general idea. He had to write a story about being a pioneer on the Oregon trail. We pulled out some family history and began finding out about his real pioneer ancestors. Thank goodness for good records and thoughtful aunts who have put together easy to read books of remembrance. We learned a lot in general and specifically about Nelson Wheeler Whipple. As a reward for completing half the assignment and to learn more about the Oregon trail the kids watched the very old (1970's era) movie Seven Alone.

The big kids wear out the little kids and they are often found napping later in the day here. 

Or on a big sister. Can I say again how blessed it has been to have so many hands on deck to help with all that is going on.

Especially when the tasks are heavy! Mark is such a teenager he's dragging his feet while the others push.
We are in the idea stage of a large final project for the grade school kids. I've got few ideas but what keeps coming to mind is we are family. We work together, we eat and cook together, we play and imagine together, we learn together. The best part of world wide pandemic has been being together and having time to be together. Everyday does not have one or five activities we roll on how our life works. Meaning we work until the sun goes down everyday. The younger kids play outside and enjoy daydreaming, and reading to their hearts content. We visit and listen to spotify. It's nice to be free from stress of commitments and to just focus on our responsibilities. It's kind of selfish and yet necessary to just focus on what has to be done for our family right now.
I love the feeling of being unified and working together for the common/family good. I will miss this centered time. I love that even church is what we need how we need it right now. We can choose what topics are on our minds and hearts, we can shorten or linger as we want, it's on our time... again its a selfish time but for this time of graduating senior, new baby adjusting to living independently it's been so nice.

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