Thursday, May 7, 2020

5.7.20 FFA ending #1

The end of an era. The closing of a chapter that was full of learning, adventure, trial, and fun. Dates kept changing and yet after many revisions Anna completed her last FFA contest and her run for state office. She learned a lot, she had big smiles from seeing her friends from around the state via zoom, and the wondering what if was over. These are pictures from her days through that process. 
 After her first round of interviews.

 Her zoom station at grandma Saunders house where it was much more quiet. A kind friend helped Anna with sound, angels, and lighting to make sure she looked and sounded her best on the video feed.
 And it's over she did her best, she gave all she could and it was over.

Anna grew from a shy quiet young lady to a confident poised young woman. I got to listen to her in conference with her peers and I was so impressed and surprised at her ability to argue points and to discuss differing opinion. She has become a service minded leader and I am thankful for the chances I've had via internet and isolation to see her in action.

She was preparing extemp speeches prior to the Sunday morning session of state officer running. She has developed a lot of skill in this area too. She is becoming more clear, more reasoned, and has gained the confidence to look people in the eye. Oh we have learned a lot together. How we love this powerful daughter of ours. As we discussed the process and the loss of this dream, we emphasized again and again this is not the end of your world, you will take all you have learned and have success in your next ventures as well. She came, she participated, she went and she became now it's time to go!

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