Sunday, March 7, 2021

2.23.21 Answered Prayer

Its interesting to me how my concerns are answered. I have ben worried about this lady and wondering how to get her out of her COVID induced shell. I was at my grandmothers house and she wondered if I knew anyone who might bind a quilt for her. Voila a service opportunity. Aliza loves to bind quilts. It use to eb a ticket to watch movies. This time she has not watched movies but is dutifully working her way around the perimeter of the quilt.
Mark works stacking metal frames. One day they shifted and he was squished between 40 frames and a backhoe bucket. This is the damage. He had no internal problems just a wicked bruise for a while. Prayers for safety answered. 
More binding. 
And snow. We were very dry this year while the cows were grazing. We are thankful they had a great grazing season. However, our water plan depends on snow. We got our snow in February. We are thankful our prayers for another growing year were answered. 

 My prayers though simple, repetitive, and short are answered so often. I truly desire safety for my children physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. There are so many twists and turns inflicted by the myriads of controls driven by COVID and politics. The world is changing quickly. I'm not sure on the "right" things to be done for each child. We are holding onto the non-negotiables without resistance from them. I am putting my faith in what worked in the past and praying it will carry them through to the prayers of their hearts. I trust in God and am learning more and more about my relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ. I teach my children what I know and encourage them to also learn and have faith. We are blessed. 

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