Friday, March 12, 2021

3.10.21 Gardening indoors

These pictures are bitter sweet. We were so excited when we watched the YouTube videos telling/showing us how easy it is to start seeds indoors. The kids really enjoyed the preparation. Punching holes in the bottom of the cups. Pouring dirt into the cups and then sprinkling water on the seed pots. 

Then we had a great germination rate. Lots of seeds came up we were so thrilled to see the fruits of our hopes and small amount of work. We used the top of the fridege as we thought it would be safe from little curious fingers, along with being warm and sunny it seemed to be the perfect spot. 

Livy was engrossed in a book. I love seeing her read on her own, engrossed in a great story. We have really enjoyed the books from the good and beautiful library. They are engaging, well illustrated, and interesting. 
The week after indoor planting the kids got outside and planted our early crops of peas, spinach, lettuce, carrots, and beets. I'm so excited for fresh vegetables again. I truly hope the moist ground will yield some crunchy spring time produce. 
They found some carrots we had planted last year. They scrubbed them up and ate them. 
Reed is a great boss. he was instructing Bruce how to plant peas. Bruce ate most of the peas last year so this is a great project for him to be involved with. 

 Well after the promising start all the seedlings indoor died. From over watering, curious hands cutting or pinching off leaves, or something we have nothing but maybe 1-3 basil starts left. I'm so bummed. We need to try again I guess. Hopefully our outside plants work better. Life is good. 

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