Saturday, March 20, 2021

3.20.21 Perfect

There are moments of perfection in life. This was one. I was so at peace I had to take a picture.

Is that silly? The air was perfect not hot and not cold, just perfect. The sun was full my laundry was blowing nicely to dry in the gentle breeze. My kids were at various stages of activity. All was well. 
They had worked on some house yard projects. They are capable and willing so away we went. 
Man is so content outside. He is not so happy inside but outside he just sits and watches the action. 
Mark the kite master got several kites up for the kids. They loves watching them float and dance on the air currents. 
Greg allowed some time for a bit of clay throwing. The boys did very well. They have come a long way. 

Man was so interested in what the other kids were doing. 

Perfect is peaceful. Amidst all the concern and worry it is nice to have short breathers. I love spring as life awakes and the world renews I find hope. I love my piece of heaven on earth and I'm so grateful for cameras to help me capture those moments so I can remember when life is crazy, hard, messy, and so overwhelming we had peace and goodness and no worries for a bit awhile ago. Life is good. 

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