Monday, March 8, 2021

3.8.21 Normal Days

These kids are growing up so fast. Merle man is coming of age where he plays. He got distracted by the paint edged but he was having fun crawling after Bruce. Soon they will be racing. 

The girls are loving their art class. They painted owls this time. 
Homeschool at it's finest. Mark spends a lot of time wrapped up in his sleeping bag. Sometimes he gets to snuggle a crabby baby to sleep. 
We were replacing the screen and the kids found it a perfect spot to feed the chickens from. 
Leftover waffles were a perfect attraction for the chickens. 

The chickens flocking to be fed flying waffles. 

I think homeschool has benefited Alivia the most. She is blossoming into a responsible thoughtful girl. Addie took this picture a few weeks ago. 
A new set of young ones playing train while we clean. 
My younger kids may not get as much attention as the older ones did but they get similar if not much larger amounts of sibling attention. 

 Life is good. New faces same activities. I am thankful the gist of our family continues even as we move into new territory with older kids moving into adulthood. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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