Friday, March 19, 2021

3.19.21 Return

This week marked the one year anniversary of the COVID shut-down. Having lived through 9/11 I have seen some history made. However, this time this week has not been one of celebration but one feeling the many losses of the year of COVID. Yet, with the losses were great gains. We had time, we had peace, we had growth, and each other. As life/the world SLOWLY sluffs the shackles of COVID, life is starting again. 
I admit I am having a hard time working to engage in all the requirements of community involvement. Yet, seeing this lady all decked out in her official dress and more importantly the smile of happiness (I did not capture) made me want to become invested in life outside my home again. Although virtually attending, she was able to participate in the election of the 2021-2022 State officers. She was able to represent her chapter and her district. There is something powerful about this ensemble of blue and black that gives confidence and belonging. 
I made cookies for the kids at home, one somehow got a piece of lettuce on it, we called this the Addie cookie. A dash of healthy amidst the horrible sugar they contain. She is adamant about her health according to her understanding of ingredients. Aliza can usually convince her to make slight modifications. My cajoling does not, and I continue to make sure she eats. 
We have been fortunate to have activity days again. My counselor and myself are assisted by our past bishop. The kids are a joy to work with. We try to have many activities to keep them engaged and to use our time well. So far so good. 
This week we read a story about faith and wheat. After planting wheat the kids ground wheat to make fresh cream of wheat. Some liked it and some did not. 

A quick snapshot of my crew. We continue to work through water problems here. Someday I hope to put my food storage away again. Until then we work around it and continue to restack it. 

The kids voted that it was time for Man to get his long hair cut. This is his final picture with long hair. 

Oh my baby is growing up. Last year I was a nervous scared wreck wondering how we would fit him in, if I would stay well, if he would turn. Now a year of snuggling and just getting it done we are well. Whole in heart, healed in body and confident that we can handle whatever life throws our way. The COVID year has been intense but we have deepened our resolve, worked harder to learn the gospel and held on tight to what matters most. I'm thankful for the peace and strength of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As we work to return to life outside our home and farm I hope we don't loose what we have learned and still find time and ways to keep our focus on what matters most. 

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