Sunday, January 2, 2022

1.2.22 Christmas Day 21

Christmas started with a phone call from our missionary. It was cute when she shared her Christmas horse with her younger siblings who were also so excited with their Christmas horses. We have so many animals these days but the number one game they play and fight over is who has which horse to act out the games with. Greg was of course home, so I got to listen to them share mission stories and advice. The conversation is decidedly different between those that have served and those that have not. 
After the phone call chores were a must. Of course there was a minor cow problem. So cows were put back in pen, new pen was built, and guys came back in from the cold to a hot breakfast. We had the usual deviled eggs, apple or mixed berry turnovers, hot chocolate, eggnog, and sausage. It's always good. 

After clean up we moved on to the Christmas story found in Luke and presents. 

After unwrapping the presents the kids gather their treasures and go play for a few hours. After the playing we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Saunders for dinner and more playing with cousins. 
We came home to enjoy our new TV and a quick movie Mr. Krueger's Christmas. It was so nice to all be able to see and hear. Lia made some ski's.

We were blessed beyond measure this year. Christmas like joy came in many different months. Looking forward to Anna's coming home from college. Celebrating Mark getting off crutches 2x. Harvest being a success. I know those aren't holy events, but sometimes the joy is found in other months that equals the celebration in December. This year we learned a lot about working together, about working above our desired capacity, and blessings. We were abundantly blessed. So the hype of one day of presents and rest while nice was also anti-climatic. I know I'm missing the reason of the season etc., but this year with kids gone and so much under our belt it was just different. We were so thankful for the many prayers that were answered throughout the year, by God's sustaining grace through the many hard days and nights we endured, and the power of a Living Christ advocating and supporting us each day not just the one. 

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