Monday, May 16, 2022

5.16.22 Blessing Day

We rarely wait to bless our babies. This time life has been full of the older kids and we have been busy and resting in-between busy. Thankfully my sister in-law was blessing her baby so we joined in. We used Aliza's dress as it is the biggest and didn't have any stains. She was a pretty blessing baby. 

This picture is a tribute to Anna with her little tongue stuck out. I didn't realize she had it out until looking closer later. It is rare we have a baby that is old enough to be smiley in pictures. 
After taking pictures of her the kids decided to practice dancing. 
Oddly enough we planned ahead and had a family dinner following church. We really enjoyed the time with our family. Thankfully the weather cooperated and kids could eat outside. 

The kids make their own fun when left alone. 

The boys getting ready to go work. Merle is adamant about going to the farm. One major part of our life is independence. 

We turned the table to accommodate more eaters. The kids enjoyed the change. This may have been dinner after a large lunch cold cereal was a nice night cap.

Her blessing was special. She was blessed to develop her talents and that she would live close to the spirit. She would be an example to others throughout her life. We love her and are thankful her needs are becoming less demanding and she is more content between nursing. On our way to church I told Greg we are so blessed to be able to be blessing our 14th baby. Yes it is different and takes a lot of time but how thankful we are to have her in our home. We are thankful for the opportunity to learn with another baby. Life is good. 

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