Tuesday, May 24, 2022

5.24.22 Younger Brothers

In very general terms I have more time in the summer than fall for teaching and spending time with my beginning learners. A good portion of this year Bruce has been watching preschool letter movies so he is familiar with the sounds and names of letters. The actual writing is a much harder skill but his new school course suggests learning to write your name. This was his first attempt. Bruce loves that the has the same name as his papa. I love it too. I was unsure about naming a child the same as my dad as I didn't know if I could use that name casually all the time. But that was the name for this boy so we have gotten use to Bruce- he's known as Bruce the Moose, Bruce the Goose, and thanks to a book Bruce the bear. I think he did superb with his first writing attempts. He loves to learn and takes time to do school with me each day. 

The cutest guy around to take a picture of, just ask. It's so hard to pare down the 100 plus pictures he leaves behind. Although he is amateur compared to John who just holds his finger on the picture button and takes about a thousand just walking from the house to a car and back. Silly boys. 

Merle is at the charming helpful stage. He loves to help. Last week he even picked up some garbage and put it in the trash without being asked. I was shocked few kids do that here. He is brilliant!

Lia being silly. She is a trooper to be sandwiched between these feisty brothers. No worries she too has picked up in aggression and creative self defense. She plays happily by herself for quite a while. She loves no one interrupting or taking her toys. 

The first watering is happening all over the farm. Reed is a busy bee and so good to share his time and skills with the younger kids. Merle is adamant he go to the farm with Reed and or Mark or Greg any time they go. 

Summer time means time to break out the hats. We are trying to preserve their ears for the rest of their lives. Thankfully we found a smaller version so he can see and be sun safe. 

Oh man boys need brothers. These two have really come into their own this year. I love the pure joy that they exhibit. They also terrorize each other Merle is getting better and better and holding his own against the stronger, faster, more mature Bruce. 
Bruce came in carrying Merle. Merle was having a ball sticking his finger in Bruce's ear. They are just cute guys. 

Switching to nibbling on his ear. 

 If Addie and Reed can do it Bruce can too. I didn't know this was happening but I'm not surprised. He is a determined guy and with those two as bosses he will be expected to pull his weight yesterday. 

Loving Andrea. 
More selfies. 

My silly little kids. How easily we could have missed this and them. How easy to not know their independent happy personalities. We have a long way to go and I'm sure it's going to be enlightening. We are fortunate to be able to have these vivacious young ones fueling the energy of our home. We are blessed. 

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