Tuesday, May 31, 2022

5.30.22 Aliza Graduation

Aliza dawned her cap, gown and emblems of belonging and accomplishment a few Sundays ago. She looked regal and relieved. She put so much time into these past four years. She experienced pre COVID good ol' times. The trials of COVID, and mish mash senior year of masks, online college courses, and mask less yet strained final quarter of high school. Much was said of the poor class of 2020, more was offered about the class of 2021 who really missed out, and then we arrive at the class of 2022. They experienced the whole gammet. They adjusted by the semester and many like Aliza made a new path that more tailored their needs and wants. The missed out on a lot of social opportunities. This will just be part of their story. I'm glad this step is over and excited for where she is headed. .

She is a unique big sister. Sometimes telling stories, sometimes singing songs, but always bringing comfort and love to her siblings. She is a pillar in the fortress of older kids that surround and raise the younger ones. 

Aliza walks with purpose and confidence. She knows where she's going and what she wants to accomplish. 

Although a lot of their experience was spent apart these smart ladies supported and enjoyed high school and FFA contests together. Good friends are the most important part of high school they help make the hardness bearable. They make you laugh, suffer the intolerable, and mostly just share that time of so many changes and expectations together. These are the best most worthwhile part of high school, the people you learn to count on and navigate the many opportunities, responsibilities, and maturing that happens in 4 years. 

And the Dad. The man with the vision and determination to also guide the growing up years. Oh how these two understand each other. 

The sweet sister watching every move and making sure she walks a similar path. She may always be the little sister here, but man we look forward to what Addie's 4 year journey holds. 

Her grandparent support is priceless. She benefits from their reputations being asked often are you related to? There lessons of integrity, charitable interactions with others, learning, and leadership impact her aspirations. 

Great grandma Lasley who never forgets a birthday or occasion. She is a powerful constant. We are thankful she is so healthy. 

Grandma and Grandpa Saunders have taught Aliza hard work, love and loyalty to family, how to manage groups, and have helped make her growing up smoother. They love her singing ability and are powerful proud of her patriotic endeavors. 

Aunt Gwen definitely shaped our reading journey. Her special skill and gift to us is beautiful, thoughtful, fresh literature. She brings books and reads to us. She reads in an interesting engaging voice. We look forward to what new delight she will share. She literally use to bring a suitcase of books to share. I'm not sure what she does now but she taught me how to read aloud better, she taught me how to interact with children and books, and she shared stories that taught, entertained, and explained parts of life. 

Aunt Alena has been the go to for every special occasion. She curls Aliza's hair and makes her feel beautiful. She also is the most positive happy person that we constantly associate with. We are thankful she lives close.

Aliza's lab partner Taleigha. These two have similar life views and helped each other through a challenging course of Chemistry. 

Another milestone achieved and past. I realized too late but as a first that the lack of celebrating we have done to date has shortened the personal satisfaction and mental reward of doing hard things. Celebration isn't just pan handling for presents but rather celebrating hard work, endurance, and growth. Life is short. We work hard. We should enjoy some of the efforts we put in. We were delighted with the grad parties where we re-connected with friends from different stages of our lives. We enjoyed taking time to relax, catch-up, laugh, and become aware of others. 

We've allowed our family to become self-absorbed in our personal day to day not reaching out and looking out for others. We need to change this. There is still a lot to be done but we are going to work on taking some social time and being with friends this summer. We are blessed and need to not only count the blessings but take time to be in the blessings not just observing them. Life is good. 

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