Tuesday, May 17, 2022

5.17.22 Another trip around the Sun Uncle Archie funeral trip

I completed another trip around the sun a day after this lady. She was gone the night of her birthday and her requested Costco cheesecake wouldn't arriving until after she wanted to sleep so the next day she orchestrated a nice birthday for me and maybe her too. We are back to back. It was so nice to have completely healthy baby I walked right out of the hospital with. She was pretty chill as a baby. She's been a delight to discover as she has grown. She's always been happy, loud, organized, and unique. She's an old soul with a lot of depth and quick understanding. She is intuitive and friendly. I love her smile I love her ability. I rely on her heavily. She is what makes our home full of kids more peaceful she is a master kid person. She  knows how to love them, teach them, get them to work, and makes life calm.  
The American legion guys had one more tribute for her a special commemorative plack celebrating her speaking accomplishments this year. We had a slight conflict that I wrestled with all week. My Great Uncle Archie the remaining sibling of my grandmother was having a memorial service on the same day 6 hours away. WE could have maybe done both Greg drives fast, but it would have been very tight. I decided to forgo the funeral but still wanted to go. Conferring with Greg later in the week he said we were going. My Grandma went with Aliza to the legion ceremony and sent me the picture while we were cruising along in this. 

Pouring rain the entire trip. It's funny the things we talk about and notice are the farms the soil types the cattle and breeds. We notice industry or lack there of. WE google economics of areas and how to find people we know. We eat what we know pizza hut usually sometimes ice cream.

I was looking for some lunch and found deluxe peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for 2.00. What? I did not buy it that's a lot of peanut butter with no milk to wash it down. I do love a peanut butter sandwich but prefer fresh hand made on homemade all loving made bread. Apparently I'm super spoiled by the ultra deluxe peanut butter sandwiches I've had all my life. Seriously I love peanut butter sandwiches.

At the funeral it was very thought provoking to listen to others recount their experiences with Archie. he was a diverse dynamic man. He had so many talents and skills and a laugh that lit up the room. Nothing was impossible or too far. 

I think my Lia looks like him with her curly hair and toddler roundness. 

After the funeral we visited then moved back to the Tri-Cities area to visit an old friend. Greg discovered a youtube video that our sons like to watch. I'm thankful my boys are sharing and learning to love and understand automobiles like their father, grandfather and uncles. They know people by name and cars they drove. It's a quirk but also a thread linking them together. 

The lady we went to visit. LaVern Larkin a family friend whom we knew for years here in Vale. She has moved to be closer to family in Washington. We joined her for church. It was lovely. Her ward members asked if we were family? We said no just friends. I mused over the fact that none of these people knew LaVern as Mrs. Larkin they did not know her husband and his unique gruffness and fondness for rodeo and trains. She's been a sweet generous friend giving me her clothes pins when she moved I still use them all the time, sharing bob's clothes with my sons who wear his coats all the time. 

Yet though we knew Lavern for a space of time here we don't know her there. I write her letters when she writes me filled with chatty farm life info. When we visited with her post widowhood we found she had known my grandmothers ex husband when he was a grade schooler. 

The funeral for my uncle was interesting. Five or six men spoke 4 formally. Each knew a different part of Archie. Each shared different versions or episodes. There were common themes and shared remembrances. As I visited with my cousin it was a bit awkward. He was a driving reason I Went but the actual face to face conversation drew me back in time to who I use to be the frustrated cousin whom they teased because I tried to be accommodating and not a wimp. I would enthusiastically sign on for whatever adventure they dreamed up saying "Let's do." 

They were older and guests they dreamed big. We worked for years building a never finished or safe tree house. We raced bikes for years the boys won and the puncher vines they plowed through left me with flat tires and elation of having a great weekend playing with cousins. I loved the trips to the swimming pool. I loved seeing various parts of Oregon as they moved often. I was awed when we bought pumpkin pie at the grocery store for thanksgiving dinner. We had shared remembrance of the very late thanksgiving the year my mom worked to pit roast a turkey. It was delicious and took forever. While we shared those days of our childhood I haven't seen or spoken to this cousin for over 20 years. I have changed and grown. How does one express that in 10 or 30 or 60 minutes? How do I say I'm an adult, I'm doing fine, my pleasing attitude is good and my worst enemy? How do I say I hope you approve of me. Do you know I made sacrifices to come see you today? 

The drive home again trying to capture the scenery to show our kids how breathtaking the vast tracks of farm land are. 
So tired after being gone. I'm so thankful Greg has made Sunday a day of resting. He's around and with us all day most the time it's made a big difference the kids love time with their dad. 

MY favorite is a break from Andrea. I love her and love taking care of her but its so nice to know she's ok with someone else and have some solo time. 

After our naps we enjoyed the golden hour outside. John was lugging this huge limb to the fire. It was perfect for sitting a spell and visiting with my super strong son. 

Then it looked just right for a family picture. Our young family. All seven of them they match up in gender to my growing up family. Should be a fun whirl. 

Walking to stop John from rapid fire photo taking. 

Then we went for a walk to move some blood and spend time together. Livy and Bruce chasing/poking frogs MArk and I trying to find the lunar eclipse again in the skyline. 

Addie capturing the moment. She and I were going to go alone then the others also wanted to join. She was not so happy to share but we were all moving so that's a good thing. Most parents put their kids to bed earlier than us. I guess I just squeeze to much into everyday to quit early. 

Scripture family together time. 

It's hard to come back from being gone the onslaught of needs and have to do's are overwhelming on a tired mind and body. We did better after naps but the night piled up with more and more. The times together that are captured are what I am doing, they are where I'm at. I'm not overly structured I don't get many personal goals accomplished. I do love a lot. I do care a lot. I have a lot who count on me. I have big hopes and dreams for them we are working our plan of giving them the tools we have found to allow for success. We are blessed, we are righteous, we work hard and long, we sign on for a lot of responsibility.

 I've had Greg in my life for half of the time I've been alive. He's anchored, calmed, and loved me truly unconditionally. We've made a life that is ours. As I look back I wouldn't rewind time I don't want to be unsure or too sure of myself from my 20's. I don't want the insecurity of 30's my time learning that others didn't like me and processing that. I want where I am at now. 

In all my travels after the task is complete I so wish I could just zip back home. But travel takes time and there are delays. Kind people have been part of the delay and I look back on our waiting interactions with fondness. But my heart wants to be with my people on our spot just being. I'm leery of what comes next what fire is about to consume us? What trial will be our next? 

I fight to get the most time I can in this mom spot right now like I did ten years ago, like I hope to ten years from now. As Aliza prepares to leave our home I'm struck maybe this is the last shared birthday we will have. I hope not. I'm excited for my kids to also grow, develop, change, and become. Each year brings new lessons and new people who know us then. 

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