Sunday, May 29, 2022

5.28.22 Addie 8th Grade

Addie is finished with middle school. I can hardly believe she will be in high school. A rite of passage is performing in the 7/8th grade play. This was pivotal for Aliza. Likewise, Addie looked forward to what her part would be and what costume would be required. 

Through the years the teachers at Willowcreek have added so much time, effort, and heart into making school special, engaging, and challenging. These ladies were key players in making Addie's education unique. Mrs. Bair is the queen of motivation and creative thinking. 

Mrs. Robertson the master of covering so much information in a motivating way. She thinks big and is so persistent in her ability to get students to become more than they think possible. 

Mrs. Worley with her signature pink boots and cowgirl style challenges lackzidaisical middle school attitudes and systematically teaches thinking and writing. She has flare and pizazz and requires the students to become articulate. 

The class that shared their years at Willowcreek. Oh how thankful we are for their diverse personalities, challenges, wit, and talents. 8 years is a long time to work, play, and learn together. They have aged into competent young teenagers. The all provided a sweet evening of entertainment on the eve of their graduation. 

Addie and her school and church friend Claire

Her opposite in the play Gunnar. 

The next day Addie was awarded her reading award 6000 points. We joke Addie would have more but she was more social and put some time into running. We are still proud of her accomplishment. She also got the top writer award 4th row running. 

Reed moved up to the 1500 plaque. I am so proud of this for him he has worked hard and is completely moved past his early reading struggles. 

Graduation gift bags. 

 The kids showing their awards. I wish all teachers understood how important it is for student engagement in learning to be recognized. Who cares if the reward is a bit embellished. Students need to know their teachers notice they are there and approve of them. I think many would do so much better if they felt that affirmation from their teachers or staff. Thankfully the kids hard work merited some awards. Afton in Math and Reading, Millie in multiplication mastery, and iready passing so many lessons, Reed got a  reading and best PE student award. 

Another year in the books. The challenge to be masked for 3/4 of the terms. This end of year was so normal people together in the gym, a community potluck, games and a feeling of accomplishment and freedom. Thankfully COVID is retreating into the shadows of memory. The kids are troopers, they have learned a lot of lessons. They passed their tests with high marks. They are ok. We miss the long stretches of uninterrupted time together, we are grateful for lots to do now. Life is good. Mostly we are thankful to be living it together with so many exemplary people on our team. We are blessed

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