Monday, May 16, 2022

5.16.22 FFA Update another round of State

With Spring is a lot of FFA activity. Mark has been getting initiated working on contests and getting his official green hand. 

After the green paint the speeches began and the members voted. Mark was very worried he would not get an office. The healed yet precious leg has changed his course and FFA is probably going to be his major activity in high school. The new officer team. Mark is treasurer. 

Like Harold John and Mark are interested in shop skills. I reached out to Mrs. Chamberlain offering to set up guest teachers to help them prepare after a rush experience at district shop skills where they placed 2nd. Mr. Noble the past ag teacher had already offered to coach and train these guys so all was good. They spent several early mornings and time after school working to learn some hands-on surveying, gas cutting, and electrical skills. 

The benefit to the extra time invested was a trip to Corvallis and the Oregon Coast. The girls had obviously been before and dressed appropriate. The boys all first timers to the ocean ran back and forth from the waves in their work boots and jeans. They had a great time. Notice the piece of sea kelp that John found and brought home. 

The dairy products judging team. We are working on Mark smile.

Mark placed 6th overall in Ag Mechanics. The team placed 4th. John and Daniel joined him for honors. 

After 3 years of competition the team of Aliza & Helen tied for 6th with Mark being the 3rd team member. They were happy and disappointed with a red banner. This has been such a great contest over the years. The trip to the ocean each time is a major incentive to taste yucky milk and expensive and yet yucky cheeses. 
While the workers were away the corn was needing to be planted. After a frustrating day of trying to make the new planter work Greg got some more pointers from my dad and the parts man. We needed bigger seed tubes thankfully some were found in Caldwell. Parts are becoming harder and harder to find. The tubes were installed and planting began. I drove the trac tractor with disk one evening. The next I graduated to con planting while Greg worked on moving pivots and other odds and ends I didn't know how to do. 

Modern farming is amazing. No hands is the rule. Only at the end  does the operator take control of the tractor to make a gentle turn then push the button and let the tractor align itself and go again. There was so much less strain and fatigue with this awesome improvement. 

I was super worried to leave this lady but she was in good hands and did just fine. Her smiles are priceless. She is a doll. 
Addie with a phone captures so many moments I would never see. These two working on cleaning out weeds. There is something so good about shared work. 

Time to just be is a gift of farm life. Bruce placing dandelions in the ditch to float away. We are blessed so much more than we count! I love our rural life and pray we can sustain it. Life is good. 

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