Tuesday, May 24, 2022

5.24.22 FFA banquet

End of the year is bittersweet. The last FFA banquet for Aliza her second thanks to COVID. Mark and John's first. They all worked hard and found a lot of success at the state level with their competition efforts. They grew more confident, had grand adventures and look forward to another year. They performed as the barnyard bucket band one more time. Aliza also opened the banquet with the national anthem her last time in high school. She can sing and has a great control of both her voice and volume which are tricky to pair sometimes. 

Mark presented the FFA creed. He gave a great performance, I expect a lot of winning from him and John in the future. 3 state banners is pretty impressive for a freshman. John had 2 state banners. 

He and a friend both received the star Greenhand. I think that makes 4 star greenhands at our house now. 

She will be his competition for star through the years, she works on a feedlot and puts in a lot of time. He has plenty of hours worked it's just a matter or record keeping and the advisor believing the amount of time he truly puts in. 

John receive his chapter award and honor award. He is not much for records but will be a strong candidate for winning state proficiencies as well. 

Aliza presented her prepared ag speech at the banquet. I swear she could read how to change a diaper instructions and people would be mesmerized. Her tone and poise captivate. A nice compliment from a friend was "My dad stopped looking at his phone and listened to your whole speech Aliza." "All my parents paid attention to you that never happens." I think we found the points she needs to refine, she has gained much in her speaking style and abilities. Speaking at least 3 times in church since January and the FFA and American legion contests she's really become expert. 

The graduating Seniors her nemesis and friends. 

After the banquet each showing their styles. John with yet another tie he could not find one in his mad rush to get cleaned up and back to town, probably there were four buried in his room. 

 Ugh the signs that are his trademark in pictures. They are all growing and becoming who they will be. They are unique and they are fortunate to have places to grow and shine. They were not the most talked about but they showed with their accomplishments and presentations. I tell them leave no doubt you are the winner. They definitely did this year. We are blessed when we work hard, and while sometimes we loose that is part of the process as well. On words we shall go. 

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