Wednesday, November 30, 2022

11.30.22 A quick game of Rummikub

We broke with our new this year tradition of just watching church-ish movies on Sunday- for example the RM, the best two years, once I was a beehive- and instead played a game. Anna had informed me when we spoke on Thursday that I was teaching false doctrines with those movies. I admit they are satire and young minds probably aren't differentiating between the real experiences of their siblings and the movies. Thus, this Sunday we turned the TV off and expanded our minds a bit. 
There are about 3 games I know and understand. Uno, speed scrabble, and rummikub. The girls had never played I explained to them and we played a round. I helped Afton and Lia helped me drawing tiles whenever I Wasn't paying attention. The girls picked up the strategy and I Was once again struck with how many skills can be learned playing simple games. 

 Another piece to this novel experience was the little ones being asleep. We played for about 45 minutes before they joined us. It's much harder with many more hands. And the lesson learned- turn off the TV and do something more stimulating. We are blessed and life is good. I'm so thankful to get to be a mom to all these kiddos. 

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