Tuesday, March 28, 2023

3.28.23 24 Hours

Today at 2 p.m. I realized we had 24 hours until Anna comes home. Will learn then who these people are she hasn't talked to us in a few weeks. 

25 hours prior Greg, Mark, and Lloyd set out for Moses Lake Washington to retrieve a truck Greg bought through an auction. The ensuing hours found him moving rapidly to the site to procure the truck and then head home before the mountain storm. This is March although the calendar refuses to match the weather. The truck refused to go more than 35 miles an hour and Moses Lake is 320 miles from our town. That's a long long ways to drive slowly. An added benefit of the truck are the strobe lights on all 4 corners. Mark and Lloyd patiently followed along behind him. Mark said he wore sunglasses I don't know how Lloyd managed the bright lights pulsating. He is patient that is for sure and long suffering. 

I was worried about them the whole time they were gone. In the midst of their adventure we took another trip to the doctor for strep tests. Andrea and I were positive, the doctor agreed to treat more then realized we had been treated a few weeks ago. He said not to get any drugs for the kids but I could take some. This is ludicrous as we are just passing it from one person to the next. Few people understand life in a big family there is a lot of sharing. Or new chant is "Don't share! Don't touch that!! Get your own." We are bleaching and bleaching but with the accompanying snotty noses there's just germs in our midst. I was too tired to deal with much more last night. I fretted and schemed but mostly just hoped for a solution in the morning and that Greg would be ok through his slow night driving.  I do love car visits where the nurse comes to our car and swabs throats. This way the kids can bounce off the walls in our car not in the doctor office where the try every knob and drawer at least 4 times. We only honked the horn on the car some. Love my car full. 

This morning I talked with a long time nurse who is familiar with our family we got the situation worked out and have prescriptions for the kids. I promise to give all 60 doses. I will make a chart to ensure success and cross off each pill taken. 

Hopefully that will make us safe enough to wisely bring Anna home. I am thankful, numb, excited, and leery of the next few days. I hope it is smooth and peaceful. I hope everyone gets along and we can say we like each other. I'm hopeful we give her space and support to re-enter our family and life post mission. I hope we don't disappoint her or ourselves. I don't have a lot scheduled hoping to allow time for life to just flow not be a race. We have been on the racetrack for the last 5 days and I'm ready for the garage. 

We are blessed by so many supporting, encouraging, and waiting in the wings. Life is good. A friend commented "you sure manage the twists and turns of life well." We manage a lot of ambiguity. We manage to stuff our days and nights full as we progress from day to day. One primary comment when our kids leave home is how quiet their days are. Leaving Greg and I's ambitious plans, and sure we can take on more, leaves them a lot of time to do as they please. 

Harold was part of a parade. He and other missionaries showed scenes from our past. He was part of the Mormon Battalion. He looks so good. 

Honestly looking like his dad here. Love my missionary! 

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