Thursday, March 2, 2023

3.2.23 Passing Time

Part of waiting for time to pass is enduring. Painting is is an easy way to relieve some stress and really focus on something else. So bright and early Monday morning I brought out the paintbrushes and paints and got to work. Greg was sick in bed and the kids were off to school. I really enjoy time creating. It makes me proud to see what I have done as I work around my house during the week. 
I'm so thankful for YouTube tutorials. I'm still working to manage my brushes correctly but I'm pleased with the end results. 
Afton had been sick the evening before so was home finishing her recovery she painted with me. It's hard to find a way to connect individually with each child this is one way I try to achieve that. 

I had a lot of left over paint so decided to try another picture. I love the story of Sunflowers being planted along the route for pioneers coming to the west. I love that idea of encouraging and showing others the way to go. Alia joined me painting sunflowers. 

Then Bruce and Merle wanted to paint so they made chicks for Easter. 

Addie had a class assignment where she was suppose to make a propaganda poster. I suggested something about having children. She created this. It is beautiful. I do believe in having children and it is more than supporting armies and economies it is good for the children to have siblings and good for parents to love others, and I'm finding as I traverse middle age children arr a great diversion from my own mortality concerns. 

 We are blessed with many opportunities and gifts. I'm searching for God daily and finding him in so many events. So many coincidences and wow that worked out good. He is Real and He is part of the good and a help and resting place in the Bad. So we paint on and enjoy some time together and pray and wait on the road to unfold. 

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