Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Andrea discovered her toes on this car ride. She slept well but spent a fair amount of time enjoying looking out the window. She is a good traveler which is a blessing as being the last one she will probably go all over watching her siblings participate in contests. 

Back at home Bruce was sad we didn't bring Addie home. The younger kids really missed her. 

After church when she still wasn't home he said well she's my best friend so I get to sit in her chair. Addie is very protective of her chair. 
the older kids played another round of the farming game. Alena and Bryce had played games with them while we were gone. Greg and I are not game players so this was a treat. 

They are just cute. Andrea was so happy to be back home in her space where she could wander and play with and be loved by all the other kids. Having only 8 kids at home was so manageable, although sacrament meeting at church was overwhelming. The best part was when Millie tossed Alia's doll from her spot on one end of the bench to GReg on the other. As a general rule we don't throw things in church.

 We had crepes after church for Reed's special meal. It wasn't too bad every kid had at least 10 he had 18. 

He ordered steak and lemon sunshine cake for dinner. We obliged with my parents joining us to eat and celebrate Reed. The one thing I noticed immediately is with older brothers they are always touching and restraining or throwing or physically interacting with the younger kids. This creates more noise. 

Harold went to a car show and a member had this. Thus Harold and companion climbed in and tried it out. I think Harold needs a bigger car. I wonder how he got out. 
As I sit pondering what to do with the ten days of spring break my kids are semi-content with simple activity like trying on shoes and wrestling on my bed. It makes me tired to think of coralling and packing for 13. I'm thinking day trips with the inclement weather we have time that we have never had before. 
Livy painted this picture she did well capturing the picture. 

 Slow and steady go the days. Life is good and secure in the fact it keeps on going. We are blessed

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