Tuesday, March 7, 2023

3.7.23 Surgery Report

We got word on Thursday that surgery would be earlier than I had heard previously. We got their at 10 and headed in. We did the ID check and weigh in and changed into the surgery gown. Then we waited and waited like a few hours. That was ok it gave us time to just relax. Greg attempted to read but I had forgot his glasses so that was a challenge, coupled with his always exhausted state I was proud of him to stay awake that whole time. It was hard to listen to the conversation on the other side of the curtain where the nurses where laughingly discussing their divorces. As I sat there so thankful for my eternal companion I was just sad for them missing out on the deep strong connection I feel to Greg. 
I remember being wheeled back and tucked in like a swaddled baby, then I remember them asking me what I wanted to eat. I had told Greg chocolate pudding or ice cream when I woke up. He was ready. I'm thankful for his strength. This has been really hard for him and yet he took care of me and literally lifted and carried me through the wake up, get dressed get in the car part of the day. 
I spent a luxurious 24 hours with his mom per the post surgery rules. We visited and ate and just sat there. The kids came a few at a time with things I asked for like deodorant or pajamas for dad. It was very low key. I came home the next night to show them I was ok and to sleep in my bed. 
Andrea would not look at me at first. But she would let me hold her a bit. 
On Sunday Livy painted a peacock. The water colors I had been eyeing came while I was gone and I gave her permission to use them when I got home. 
It may take a committee to change Andrea... Anna pointed out Lia has her foot on her, Afton is holding her legs and Millie is doing the application. So funny. I know Millie does the diapers all on her own usually this is Afton getting out of her job. 
A few days later. Its not really painful more like a sore throat but not. I cough some I think due to inflammation I don't really get anything out of my throat. Sneezing was uncomfortable. Thankfully that only happened once. Lia stuck her fingers in the incision once that was not comfortable either. But all in all eating is fine, my voice is pretty normal, and I'm doing well. Sleeping hasn't been completely restful but with each attempt it's better. The unwinding from the weeks of anticipation is also happening. 

Andrea loves to be in any box like shape. She is walking a lot and happy to explore and discover. 

The younger three are post finding the initial goiter. I had just had Bruce when the doctor found the lump, I hadn't noticed it yet. Each year I would check and make sure it wasn't dangerous then we would have one of them. I'm thankful I have these last 3 cuties. I'm thankful the goiters and thyroid all came out together encapsulated in a sack. I'm thankful for the doctor's abilities and the hormones that give me a pretty normal life. I am very blessed. It has hit close to home as my cousin who found his to be genetic thyroid cancer is on hospice and not expected to live long. His metastasized into his bones. It is very hard to accept that earth and mortality is just a stop on our eternal journey. 

My faith and belief in God and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ leads me to believe in life after death, in the power of promises made by priesthood power in the temple. It gives me courage and comfort to believe there is a plan and a reason for these experiences, relationships, and people. Those in my home and those I'm related to and those I share my time on earth with. I'm not wondering right now what my life would be like without the gospel of Jesus Christ, I'm being given a full view in color shot of life with and life without. 

I pray for and with my family for my cousin. I have been prayed for and am thankful for the peace I felt and the love I embrace from so many. I am truly blessed and will continue to look toward God and seek to live with Him again someday. 

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