Thursday, March 9, 2023

3.9.23 More time passing

My care taker on Tuesday was Reed. He is good with Andrea. he is also getting strong. It always surprises me to watch my little boys grow into men. He's the strong silent type. He gets things done and is definitely a boss. He made pie completely on his own I was very proud of him. He also did lots of dishes and some laundry along with reading a book or two. 

That night it started snowing as we walked to dinner. 
I thought it was cute how Alia was the queen of the party. 
The accumulation after dinner we got an inch an hour. A total of 4 inches with the power going out shortly thereafter. 
After  an early night due to no power and wifi, and the two youngest sleeping with us or being in our bed not sleeping all night the snow the next day was a beautiful enticement for the well rested Bruce and Lia. 

Because laundry was not being processed as fast as usual, Merle couldn't find pants by his own looking. He enjoyed the spring snow in shorts. 
Andrea started a fever on Monday night and was miserable all day Tuesday and Wednesday. With ibuprofen she is not a crying wreck. 

Lia sure loves her sister. And finally they all just took a nap with me. 
Bruce enjoyed watching a national geographic movie with me about yosemite national park. We learned about bears and newts. 
To do something anything each day I have been watching some tutorials I've been trying some watercolor  pictures. They are so quick and forgiving. And fulfilling in my limited living right now
The day before. Watercolor is much less precise but working with the water the way the paint moves and drying times. Brush control is the secret along with having a vision for lines. 
My neck is healing. It's looking pretty good I think. 
My cousin in hospice is slipping away. The slow descent to death can be agonizingly painful when cancer is involved. I was talking with his sister last night who is also watching for cancer flare-ups. This is scary, facing your mortality is hard. Her kids also have cancer in their future via their genetics. It's hard as a parent to know you have given your child something unknowingly and despite your best efforts that will challenge them. Yet it is good to have those same children and to realize (hopefully) that today will not be their tomorrow. Life is constantly changing and evolving. What I go through what my experiences are will not be my children's. Just raising them in this crazy world teaches me that day after day things that were time tested facts and truths have been erased as opinions and oppression. 

I told my cousin it is better to love and loose than to never love at all. I believe that! I think loss is hard because we love so much. I wouldn't want to not love. I wouldn't want to live a life with less love. Many people have served us praying for us, feeding us, helping my kids be normal, checking in and visiting with us- just helping to carry our burden. We appreciate the concern and shared strength. We ar meant to lift each other and cry together as well as laugh together. I believe in heaven and I believe God is Real I know He has answered my prayers. My secret longing prayers and my loud and well thought out ones. I pray for my cousins and wait for my own results which won't tell me my future but will be one more piece of the puzzle for now. 

So today we will enjoy the rare white weather, relax and hold hands, and give thanks to be together. Life is good and even in the hard we are blessed more than we know. 

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