Thursday, June 15, 2023

6.15.23 Sunday and Food

Sundays mark the end/beginning of our fast/slow weeks. The girls were surprised with new dresses thanks to Grandma Corn. They looked lovely. 
We enjoyed some swing time with cousins. It's always nice to have a break and some visits. 
Another good break is the Sunday nap that usually gets slipped in. Reed is a hard worker and a deep sleeper. 
The crew lined up for nightly gathering. 

Andrea is really drawn tot he piano she loves to play for us when we sing. Sometimes I make my kids sing primary songs on Sunday. They love it, or know they have to sing or we will just keep going. It's a humbling experience. I'm so thankful I can sing stronger than a few months ago. 
Addie got into the Drivers Ed class but needed her permit, she read the book and waited almost 3 hours but she got it. 
Initial drive home. She may need some pillows to boost her up as she keeps saying she can't see. She did well and didn't scare me much. Like all she does she will technically master this skill in no time. 
Lots of practice driving straight, paying attention, and turning while being aware of your space in the tractor putting small dikes for water retention in the field. Merle the buddy in every tractor operation. 

He also likes bananas a lot. And hair cuts not even a little. 
Finally turning cows into the barley. These are yearling animals we want to sell or butcher. They need to eat, eat, eat!
We have lots of eggs and so I decided to try a chocolate mousse sponge cake. It was delicious it didn't turn out pretty but oh we enjoyed eating it nonetheless. Used about 10 eggs and much easier than angel food cake. Not to mention the decadent chocolate mousse that stole the show!!!
So we work and work then we feast. Life is good and we are together that's the best and hardest part of summer keeping everyone going in a positive direction then feeding and cleaning the masses. We are blessed. 

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