Friday, June 2, 2023

6.2.23 Blessed full days

Each year is the same and then very different. This panoramic picture shoes life is green we are just getting started as school wraps up that is about a month later than usual. 
Sunsets are still the best, although we are seeing the sunrise too. We don't sleep much in the summer and it shows. 
The 1-4th grade visited the roller skating rink. These girls figured it out and had a good time. 

Millie and the mature fun 4th graders. 
Learning to balance by the wall. 
Afton having a good time dancing at home. 
Millie had a super special wrap up to the pioneer unit. I was asked to provide rolls for the butter making activity. 
Lia just being cute as always. 
The kids walked from a bus stop complete with a cow. 
Wagon rides were provided by a classmates grandparents. 

The cow was milked by all who dared to try. 

The kids tamped leather and learned about pioneers. I think this is one of the best field trips ever. No mind numbing long bus ride just a back yard experience that was real deal! We are thankful for many talented people. 
Reed had his school play. This was amazingly well cast as well. All the kids did so well and teh parts were perfect. Reed's co-star made him look good. He just had to act piratey. Saying arrr, and fighting. 

A sweet reprieve with little Lia. Addie makes pretty good biscuits that are really great hot. Lie got up early enough to have hot biscuits with her dad. 
While irrigating the new field gophers fled the water in their holes. The boys killed this one after it chased them a bit. Bruce had never seen a gopher up close. He's very interested in the fact that their is money paid for gopher tails. Maybe he will become a good gopher trapper this summer. 
Something ate my plants right up. I was walking the garden and wondered why I had planted flowers but no tomatoes. I looked closer and found something had eaten the tender plant to the ground. I don't know what it was the plants in the cages were unaffected. Thus I put buckets around the tomatoes. 
Maybe this is district track I don't know there were so many. She has a lot of medals at the clsoe of her freshman year. 
Me and my stylish mom. Her hat was a special purchase for a friends funeral. Worked great in the black and white country of the Vikings. You never know where life is going to go so we took a quick picture just cuz. 
At graduation parties you never know what will be the neatest find. This night it was bottle baby goats. The kids enjoyed the kids. The owner offered to send us home with a new pet and a bottle. We politely declined. 
This guy is getting so grown up. He reminds me of his oldest brother though bigger and less is required of him cuz of all the other kids that are older than him. We worked hard all year on homeschool and I hope he remembers some of what he learned. 

Addie's cheering coaching squad watchign her run and work to win district. 

 The track season was truly good to watch and experience. It took a lot of time but with the cool late spring it worked out. Life is good we are blessed with full hands and days. 

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