Saturday, June 17, 2023

6.18.23 Big Week

As I write this week is almost officially over. I have been dreading the demands for months. As a busy family we try to schedule and live day by day while also looking months ahead for possible roadblocks. This week all three oldest kids were going to be done to various locations. With the late farm start and the always present farm demands I knew this was going to be tough. Not to mention tight as the camps overlapped and we missed ride deadlines. I knew I was going to be driving to make this happen. John left Sunday for football camp. This is an invitation only camp I finally learned this year my guys have been going for 5 years or more I never asked about it. It looked like he would be done with responsibilities on Tuesday night allowing him to make the ride group on Weds morning for the next activity. Thus Greg and I slipped in a temple date and then arrived at the camp just after John's team had won the division B championship. He played well. We are all looking forward to an exciting run at the state playoffs this fall. WE got home late and I started the laundry John went to bed. I didn't sleep well worried about too much. 

This sweet verse helped me relax a bit and I slept another hour. 

These clouds were part of the help for the week. They dumped water while we were gone allowing for the water to be off until Friday. The poor hay farmers around us have been waiting almost a month to have a window to cut and dry hay in. The neighbors had just turned their hay to get drenched again. 

We have an abundance of eggs I made a chocolate mousse sponge cake. Yum! While not beautiful it was delicious. 
The kids got some fence around some nice feed for these yearling cows. 
The girls found a nice use for morning glory. 

Andrea picked up the remains and also wanted a head piece. 
After a lot of time home alone we were at the 4-H meeting in the park. The younger kids really enjoyed the play things. It was good to just hang out with them. I wish I wasn't always running around. 

These two had a few lessons to learn about the see-saw both were dropped off or bounced off. 

Summer evenings are just gorgeous as is this little cutey who is fast becoming a toddler not a baby. 

Addie and Mark had a great time at FFA camp. They learned a lot and met some great people. 

 I had told Mark I would come get him so he could connect to his next camp. I was very worried about getting lost in the forest. I was worried about other things too adding up to a very nervous mom. I prayed when I got home from dropping Reed at mutual that somehow I would be able to do what I needed to do and care for my family while accepting the Lord's will. Just talking to someone sounded very helpful. When I went to pick Reed up there were few people there. Just two friends talking. The one came over to talk to me and we ended up visiting for a while. I was so thankful for what she shared and taught me. I felt very heard. It was an answer to my prayer for help. The visit helped me sleep as I was able to calm down and relax. The next day I followed the twists and turns to get to Mark and then worked the road in reverse to get him and a friend home for the church camp ride. 

The week has worked out ok. We worked and worked on water as the weather was breaking 80 today. It's a lot of work to get water to each plant. It's a lot of work trying to care for and nurture each child. I've heard a lot this week oh you're so incredible I could never do what you do. I often don't know how we keep surviving. I'm thankful for heavenly help in the form of numerous angels not mentioned but who come at specific moments and lift the load that is day to day. I'm thankful for the kids having positive experiences. They are in a busy time of growing. Life is good and we are blessed even as life gets heavy and hard. 

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