Friday, June 16, 2023

6.16.23 Fun times- & Answers to prayers

The best way to start a day with my hands full. Soothing to all parties these two are like peanut butter and jelly. I rarely get one without the other on my lap. We are easing into the day getting energy to go to a funeral.
After the funeral we stopped to redeem the ice cream cones the kids earned the week before. The smell of French fries tempted our taste buds so we indulged in an order of tater tots and French fries to counter the cold of our ice cream cones. It's rare we get to spend time with our hard working very busy dad. Thankfully with summer and no school John is able to man the shop allowing dad to leave for a few hours at a time. 
A friend was there and shared an ice cream cone and a stool with Bruce. 
Later that night we went to the ward party at the local water reservoir. We were shocked at the amount of water. Literally about a foot from the grass line. That is very odd compared with years past where it was a good 6-10 feet from the grass line. And another shock the water was warm. 

Even Andrea was game for getting wet. I forgot her life jacket but did manage to get everyone else a life jacket, and swim suit, and food we contributed. 

John showed up later and got ready to go out. 
The boats came in and he went out. 
Bruce rode the tube and helped hold the boat at the doc. He's growing up this summer. 
Mark's job was to keep kids on the tubes he rode holding onto little people again and again. He was sore when done. There were several kids who wanted turns. 

The next day after the baby blessing we went to play at Uncle Kevin's. The kids had a great time exploring and trying new entertainments. 
At home Mark and LIa had a snack. 
The rain started and we remembered the bags of cement the guys had been using to fix ditches. They rushed into the rain to cover them with a tarp. In less than a minute they came in soaked. 

We have been blessed with abundant water this year. Thankfully we haven't gotten hail on our corn. This storm and another two days later made this week pretty calm. Which is helpful with Mark, John, and Addie gone to various camps. So God watches over all and hears our prayers and worries of how will we manage with our crew gone. He is a generous God. I need that reminder as I worry about my little problems and need to remember He's got this. Ask, and then say thank you I see what You did for me. 

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