Saturday, June 17, 2023

6.17.23 Sports

Ahh the track awards night.  Addie got several for state track and something about working hard and being determined. I don't know exactly what they called it. This is her with her coach Mary and baby daughter Bridget. 
She finally got her letter as they had run out in the fall when she earned it for XC. 

Addie and the fellow competitors and winners at state. She told me she loved practicing with people who had fierce drive like she feels. I'm thankful she was able to see she's not alone in her desire to win. 
Shifting gears to the upcoming football season. John took himself to football camp check-in as we were in Ontario at the baby blessing. This field is so huge. When we picked him up three days later many a fellow players knees were raw from turf burns. 
John's team won the small school scrimmage. He played really well opening holes to run through and score. He is a big guy. He is gentle and kind and determined. Mark would have loved this. But he is at FFA camp where he learning more leadership skills as the president of his chapter. I'm thankful for Greg teaching them to be Men. Demanding respect, getting out of bed, completeness, finishing jobs correctly, kindness to women, and so much more. I'm very aware and humbled how blessed I am to be a mom again and again. 

 I'm thankful these kids are able to grow, to be positive influences, to have friends, and success. I'm curious about the conversations and situations that come up. They make them think, ponder and choose who they are going to be and what they believe. That's important. I'm thankful for blessings that are ours. Life is good and we are blessed. It was delightful to spend the car ride home listening to John explain camp highlights. His team also won the strong man gym challenge of lifting weight, flipping tires, hanging from a bar, and pushing a sled. The last time the Vikings won the scrimmages they also won state. That is a real possibility this year. I want to host some activities at our house as an safe alcohol trouble free spot. Summer boredom causes lots of problems for kids. We shall see if Addie will agree and if I have energy to put it together. Life is good. 

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