Wednesday, June 14, 2023

6.9.23 Summer Begins

Memorial day was beautiful this year. Shorts and t-shirt weather very different from last year's sweatshirts and rain. We were able to arrange the various flowers I do love the end results and watching my sisters create. 

Likewise walking through the cemetery with my nieces and nephews was also enjoyable. It's so important to pause and remember. These people and their choices did in fact impact these kids. This is the annual placement of flowers at David's grave site. A solemn reminder to treasure the time with each of these bundles of energy, curiosity, and individuality. 

 And this is summer at our house shoes lots of shoes. Muddy shoes, wet from puddles or rain shoes, hopefully one clean pair for town and or church. They have boots but they sometimes get caught in mud with shoes. Lots of newspaper trying to dry out and keep the correct shape of shoes. 

I feel as frazzled as this monkey. Each week is getting a bit better as we establish order and expectation and experience enough consequence to know where the boundaries are. I pray we make it to the end of the summer in one piece and better for the time together.
Andrea came with me one day while I ran the dike tractor. She did ok on the floor its slow going but I needed to focus and she could not touch the steering wheel. 
The workers getting ready to go uncover corn. 
First harvest radishes. We double plant radish and carrot seed to help the carrots break the dirt surface. This year we added a thick straw layer the mulch really helped hold the water to allow the carrot seeds to germinate. We have a pretty good stand of carrots I'm excited. I even ate a small carrot today. 
A interesting picture Addie shared. 
Lia being a kid. 

Yes I know we should get Andrea off the bottle but its easy and it gets her hydrated and that combination is crucial this summer. We run and we drop. Life is good. 

The annual hay ride was a different route with the same excited kids. 
The big boys waiting for turns to drive and challenges to jump on and off as the ride rolls. 
New friends and new riders. 
The day isn't complete without a hay ride. Thanks papa for making it happen.

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