Thursday, February 29, 2024

2.29.24 Weekend

I noticed feathers in the pasture on Friday I was pretty sure I had not seen the white fluff marring the coming green grass earlier in the day. Thus the kids were sent out to investigate and came back to report it wasn't just one but 7 chickens that were dead. I'm not sure what killed them as they aren't ripped apart for a meal nor are they disembowled like a hawk would do. I shooed as many as would go into the chicken house Friday night but didn't get that done early enough Saturday and to my knowledge, we haven't lost anymore. 
We finally uncovered the winter shelter to find lots of green plants. The chickens were very interested in this space as well. I was thrilled to see so much growing. I decided to try improving the structure with hoops made from old garden water hose. 
Already having rebar in the ground we planted peas and covered the ground. 

IT looked so good. With all repurposed pieces I didn't have to spend any more money to have a pretty greenhouse. However, the strong winds on Monday tore that structure up and the chickens enjoyed eating all those green plants. Darn chickens. 
Later that day I was given dresses from my childhood. This one I wore to my great-great grandmother's funeral. I was 7-8 years old. I asked my mom to save the dress for me, explaining I didn't want any of my sisters to wear it because I wanted to remember my grandmother. My mom obliged and saved my dress. Now my little(big) Lia fits into it and wore it Sunday. She looked lovely. 
This is the dress I wore the night I met Greg. Addie has been disbelieving I was ever her size. Trying on my dresses from young adulthood proved we are indeed similar sized. 

 Reed took Andrea for a bike ride. She was delighted of course. I was thankful all went well. Life is good as we have a few special moments and times together. Memories come in so many forms. I'm thankful for such a full blessed life and the great effort my mom took to make beautiful clothes and to preserve them for my own daughters to experience now. Life is good. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

2.28.24 Auto, books, parli and nerf guns

John is in auto competition season. Here he is working on an engine at Idaho State University. He placed 7th overall 5th student from Vale. He has learned so much in his 4 years in the auto program. 
His winnings come in the form of tools. 
Livy at home listening to a Harry Potter and doing dishes. This is a win-win for me and her. 
We also took some time to go to the temple. This time because we were going to be longer we left the car keys and told them to go get some dinner while they waited. This made for happy campers on both sides I wasn't worried about them and they were happy enjoying burgers and blizzards. 

More happy dart loaders. Andrea is such a happy helper she wants to do everything she possibly can and then more than that too. 
Merle and Mom posing for a picture. He's a constant lap buddy wanting time to snuggle each day. I know this will pass so we sit and sit just enjoying the day. 
The fun continues the slow grind of the day, the busy unwind at night, and the big events fill the winter months. We enjoy this different season and relish time to rest and just be. Life is good!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

2.27.24 Birthdays

I love when I look up and see all my kids into books. Livy has been captivated by the Harry Potter series. I'm honestly enjoying reading through it with her and remembering the strong character development the well developed plot and details that enliven the mind and create a strong desire to read lots and lots of words. As a mom of a kid that hasn't been into reading these combinations are so helpful!
She passed 100 points last weekend. This past week she read another one and is now at 177! That is more than she got in almost a year in her 5th grade year. Reading lots of words is necessary to reading more words. Admittedly some of the books are listened to while she does dishes for the weekend. That's ok as it helps her imagine the story and keep going. 

Reed has also had some time to be a kid for a few minutes too. His sisters obligingly help reload. It's particularly delightful when John is home they are both aggressive fighters. 
Upstairs people were visiting and Andrea opened her present.

Everyone enjoys time catching up. 

Andrea had pie instead of cake because I was sick of making birthday cakes. Everyone enjoyed the coconut cream and chocolate peanut butter pie. 
They also tried hard to help her blow her candles. Eventually I picked up the pie and helped her extinguish the flames. 
Mark had his birthday a few days earlier and had the customary lemon sponge cake. A favorite but it takes some time and we had at least 4 of them in the past two weeks. 
Lia loves to take pictures. 
In between all the birthdays was valentine's day. This year we only had 40 Valentine's treats to make. Afton and Addie made grape flavored popcorn balls. 

Andrea loved her new outfit. The at home kids are sure cute between making huge messes. 

These cute kids are super curious and try lots of different projects just because and to see what will happen. 

So several are another year older. We are all caked and ice creamed enough for the month. Next month we have a few more to celebrate. We are so thankful for all the life, health, and vitality we enjoy. Here's to another year of learning and growing. 

Monday, February 26, 2024

2.26.24 Missionary Monday

Aliza's mission has updates posted on Facebook fairly often. I love catching peeks of what she is up to. 
Last week they had a trainer seminar where the trainers and trainee's were checked up on. Aliza is doing just fine. She's been away from home for quite a while. This is just a different location with different well understood expectations. 
They have nice lunches. I love her companion's smiles. She is so loving and kind. 
This guy started his application process last week. We tried to get a picture to send with his application. He obviously cares a bunch about this. I'm pretty sure he got a better one with Addie. This is a straightforward process and besides the delays and frustrations with uploading documents he is well on his way. 
I was delighted to receive this picture from people who hosted Aliza and her companion, for dinner one evening. We so appreciate those kind persons who have them in their homes. These quick pick-me-ups break up days and help sustain the missionary effort. 

She's two months done this week. It is going fast I love talking to her each Monday by Friday and Saturday I miss her a bunch and know that it's getting super close to visiting again. She is doing well. Alia continues to ask when Aliza is coming home? She misses her but is doing ok. Usually, a younger kid or two is awake when Aliza calls. She calls early in the morning as she has a lot going on even on P-day. 
We love our missionary and are so thankful for her kind happy companion.

2.26.24 FFA update & Knots

Well, the dust has settled we are revising speeches, evaluating judge's comments, and preparing for the state!! Our side of the state is very competitive at the state level thus the competition this day is tough. We worked hard in the weeks prior making sure the speech was current, the words were correct and the thoughts clear. We worked on expression and movement. We drilled questions and asked family to hear the speech again and again trying to make it perfect. 
Mark worked hard and spent many hours preparing. I'm pleased with the process that all the kids have embraced this year. They are learning that revision is what has to be done and there is a better version with more information and feedback. This is critical for a teenager to learn that they have lots of space to learn and grow. The results, however, were first place for the two prepared speaking contests. 
Mark had an off-topic question that he corralled back in and his manuscript scores were weak to say the least. We worked to improve that with an English teacher and ourselves attacking some of what they thought were problematic. All things aside though that blue banner is his and he moves on. 
Addie had a high manuscript score and did really well. They both had great energy and presence and really did well with their questions. Again they spent hours and hours preparing. 
John was 4th place and out of the banners. The report was he knew his topic best of all and answered his questions correctly but he was not animated or relaxed or "stiff" and thus placed lower. He did learn a lot preparing so many different subject areas. I wish we would have worked a bit more on fluid speaking but that's ok. We did what we could with the time we had. 
After much reluctance, re-shuffling, and girl defeatism this parli team did not place but they learned more, and most of them are sophomores so another year another run at the state contest. 
Prior to the competition the high school principal had invited the same parli team to the school board meeting to give a demonstration. It is truly sad that there are so few people in attendance at a school board meeting. I was there to watch, there was one teacher and a parent. Lack of civic involvement is not a healthy way to live. 
After a long day, the kids stopped in Nyssa, not on the way, to get donuts as a reward for the dress-up days for National FFA week at the high school. 
They got back to Vale in time to go to the wood-splitting service project Mark and John had organized the night before. 
Back at home, I had activity days where we worked on knots with our special guest Hoss. The boys really enjoy doing active activities and his knowledge. Here they are testing their strength and knots playing tug-o-war. 
Making bow hitches. 
Getting the ropes! The boys have so much energy. 
Somedays are just school, cleaning, and normal activities. Some days are stacked full with a majority of the family in an activity or different location. I had spent the preparation time with the teenagers but knew the middle kids also needed social experiences and exposure to friends so I stayed here with them. My parents and grandmother went to LaGrande and shared reports. I appreciate their support and feedback. 

This experience has built us all. The younger kids see the time spent working to make a paper better. The first draft is so far below where we are at now on the thoughts and clarity. I'm very pleased with their willingness to revise and adjust. It gets super frustrating when they resist but we push through. This has taken huge amounts of thinking, patience, creativity, and work. But I truly enjoy learning with my kids and sharing skills I'm sure they will use and need in their individual life journeys. We are blessed and we are becoming stronger. Life is good. 

Friday, February 16, 2024

2.16.24 Baptism

I got a surprising phone call last week asking if Mark and John would be willing to baptize some kids who were being taught by the missionaries. The Sisters explained that the children did not really know anyone in the ward and the bishop suggested John and Mark. This was not a big deal just a surprise. I asked if they had treats lined up for after the baptism, they said no to that as well. So Tuesday night John, Mark, and LIvy who goes to school with the kids met with the missionaries to meet and share a discussion. They also met on Friday. Saturday we went to the baptism. It was a good example of missionary work. The kids are Armondo (boy, the smaller one) and LisaBella. They are twins. My guys did great and there was a powerful spirit in the room as the ordinance was performed. 
The missionaries in the area brought their close-to baptism friends to see what it's like. It was a long service but all enjoyed ice cream at the end. Reed held the microphone the next day as they were confirmed in sacrament meeting. So a complete experience by the teenage kids in our family. 
Afton wanted her hair done pretty for an event. 
We stopped to see grandma Lasley after the baptism and the boys picked out some Louis Lamour books from her stash. Figured we might as well grab a picture. 
Millie helped me in nursery. She is so good with children especially when they do what she likes to do. 
Back at home another week another effort at learning the gospel as a family. It's wild and takes endurance but we do it. 
So we support missionary work here in our town. John is getting ready to start his missionary journey beginning with figuring out how to login to his lds account. That is always a journey because youth create their own logins when they are younger and then don't use them and have no idea what any of their credentials are later when needed and the recovery process is not smooth. One more task to accomplish today. 

Alas, life is up and down full of challenges and beautiful moments. We are blessed to be together through it all. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

2.15.24 FFA district leadership

The anticipation of the district speaking contest was ripe at this moment. They were waiting for their turns and wondering how it would go. There was a new venue for the contest this year, our local LDA church. The kids were subdued and respectful I appreciate that. The rooms were bigger and thus nice to spread out in. Mark spoke in Advanced public speaking, Addie Sophomore prepared, and John in Extemporaneous. Addie was also the Advanced parliamentary chair, and Mark took the Co-op Quiz. That's a lot for one day. 
After watching a majority of each contest we waited too. Greg was able to come and watch, it was so nice to sit beside him and share comments with him. I really love sharing this with him. We enjoyed visiting with judges and FFA kids. Lunch was catered by Brian Wolfe it was nice to have a meal hot and ready to go. 
Addie's peer group. They are kind, enthusiastic, and unsure about FFA competition. However, they do really well when they prepare and participate. 
Addie's friend Hazel. Hazel has great enthusiasm and is willing to try. She is also very creative.

The results Mark got 2nd in Advanced and will go on. Addie presented his banner as a new district officer. 

Addie got first in Sophomore speaking. 
Second in Parli Pro. Even though her team is very reluctant to participate they did show up and did well. Addie even gave the shoes off her feet moments before competing so they would all meet the strict dress code. 
John got first in Extemp! We heard him speak and he had facts and figures and besides one misstep on a question he was convincingly knowledgeable. We are so thrilled with the accomplishment for him.
Mark also got 2nd on the CoopQuiz.  
And then after weeks and days of work, we were all exhausted. John came home and slept for a while. His siblings covered him up with some clothes. We always have clothes in process either wearing them, washing them, or waiting to be put away to cycle again. We were all very tired that evening. 
Mark was the sole attendee to mutual and on a last spectacular dodgeball move did this to his jeans. I'm not fixing that. 
Addie had worked dutifully with the girls pictured for the parliamentary contest to prepare thank-yous for the judges. She is really alert to the responsibility of being grateful to those who provide the contest. She had a big stack written and signed and then asked a teammate to get them to the school. The thank you's disappeared. All that work was lost. So Addie started again to re-do the thank yous. 

We ate some pizza my dad had brought earlier and just snuggled and stayed awake until bed time that night. Lia demanded a picture with Addie. 
And Andrea.
Then solo. She has so much energy.
And mom. She's a budding family historian. 

The speech season is intense. There is so much that is just plain work. I love to learn with my kids. I spend my days listening to podcasts and seminars searching for information. I also read books and magazines and newspapers so I can point them to what they should read. We discuss and demand practice. We write and write and edit. This weekend we interviewed and questioned others on their thoughts. We have spent a lot of hours well over 60 hours on the learning and writing for Mark's speech. Addie I have been less involved with but easily 40 hours on hers and that's not counting practice time. But we have expanded our understanding and are teaching them to think deeper and know more. 
John we listen to most nights as he shares what he knows about a topic from his extemp question list. Life is good. It is full and challenging and that's good. We are so blessed.