Monday, February 26, 2024

2.26.24 FFA update & Knots

Well, the dust has settled we are revising speeches, evaluating judge's comments, and preparing for the state!! Our side of the state is very competitive at the state level thus the competition this day is tough. We worked hard in the weeks prior making sure the speech was current, the words were correct and the thoughts clear. We worked on expression and movement. We drilled questions and asked family to hear the speech again and again trying to make it perfect. 
Mark worked hard and spent many hours preparing. I'm pleased with the process that all the kids have embraced this year. They are learning that revision is what has to be done and there is a better version with more information and feedback. This is critical for a teenager to learn that they have lots of space to learn and grow. The results, however, were first place for the two prepared speaking contests. 
Mark had an off-topic question that he corralled back in and his manuscript scores were weak to say the least. We worked to improve that with an English teacher and ourselves attacking some of what they thought were problematic. All things aside though that blue banner is his and he moves on. 
Addie had a high manuscript score and did really well. They both had great energy and presence and really did well with their questions. Again they spent hours and hours preparing. 
John was 4th place and out of the banners. The report was he knew his topic best of all and answered his questions correctly but he was not animated or relaxed or "stiff" and thus placed lower. He did learn a lot preparing so many different subject areas. I wish we would have worked a bit more on fluid speaking but that's ok. We did what we could with the time we had. 
After much reluctance, re-shuffling, and girl defeatism this parli team did not place but they learned more, and most of them are sophomores so another year another run at the state contest. 
Prior to the competition the high school principal had invited the same parli team to the school board meeting to give a demonstration. It is truly sad that there are so few people in attendance at a school board meeting. I was there to watch, there was one teacher and a parent. Lack of civic involvement is not a healthy way to live. 
After a long day, the kids stopped in Nyssa, not on the way, to get donuts as a reward for the dress-up days for National FFA week at the high school. 
They got back to Vale in time to go to the wood-splitting service project Mark and John had organized the night before. 
Back at home, I had activity days where we worked on knots with our special guest Hoss. The boys really enjoy doing active activities and his knowledge. Here they are testing their strength and knots playing tug-o-war. 
Making bow hitches. 
Getting the ropes! The boys have so much energy. 
Somedays are just school, cleaning, and normal activities. Some days are stacked full with a majority of the family in an activity or different location. I had spent the preparation time with the teenagers but knew the middle kids also needed social experiences and exposure to friends so I stayed here with them. My parents and grandmother went to LaGrande and shared reports. I appreciate their support and feedback. 

This experience has built us all. The younger kids see the time spent working to make a paper better. The first draft is so far below where we are at now on the thoughts and clarity. I'm very pleased with their willingness to revise and adjust. It gets super frustrating when they resist but we push through. This has taken huge amounts of thinking, patience, creativity, and work. But I truly enjoy learning with my kids and sharing skills I'm sure they will use and need in their individual life journeys. We are blessed and we are becoming stronger. Life is good. 

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