Tuesday, February 27, 2024

2.27.24 Birthdays

I love when I look up and see all my kids into books. Livy has been captivated by the Harry Potter series. I'm honestly enjoying reading through it with her and remembering the strong character development the well developed plot and details that enliven the mind and create a strong desire to read lots and lots of words. As a mom of a kid that hasn't been into reading these combinations are so helpful!
She passed 100 points last weekend. This past week she read another one and is now at 177! That is more than she got in almost a year in her 5th grade year. Reading lots of words is necessary to reading more words. Admittedly some of the books are listened to while she does dishes for the weekend. That's ok as it helps her imagine the story and keep going. 

Reed has also had some time to be a kid for a few minutes too. His sisters obligingly help reload. It's particularly delightful when John is home they are both aggressive fighters. 
Upstairs people were visiting and Andrea opened her present.

Everyone enjoys time catching up. 

Andrea had pie instead of cake because I was sick of making birthday cakes. Everyone enjoyed the coconut cream and chocolate peanut butter pie. 
They also tried hard to help her blow her candles. Eventually I picked up the pie and helped her extinguish the flames. 
Mark had his birthday a few days earlier and had the customary lemon sponge cake. A favorite but it takes some time and we had at least 4 of them in the past two weeks. 
Lia loves to take pictures. 
In between all the birthdays was valentine's day. This year we only had 40 Valentine's treats to make. Afton and Addie made grape flavored popcorn balls. 

Andrea loved her new outfit. The at home kids are sure cute between making huge messes. 

These cute kids are super curious and try lots of different projects just because and to see what will happen. 

So several are another year older. We are all caked and ice creamed enough for the month. Next month we have a few more to celebrate. We are so thankful for all the life, health, and vitality we enjoy. Here's to another year of learning and growing. 

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