Wednesday, February 28, 2024

2.28.24 Auto, books, parli and nerf guns

John is in auto competition season. Here he is working on an engine at Idaho State University. He placed 7th overall 5th student from Vale. He has learned so much in his 4 years in the auto program. 
His winnings come in the form of tools. 
Livy at home listening to a Harry Potter and doing dishes. This is a win-win for me and her. 
We also took some time to go to the temple. This time because we were going to be longer we left the car keys and told them to go get some dinner while they waited. This made for happy campers on both sides I wasn't worried about them and they were happy enjoying burgers and blizzards. 

More happy dart loaders. Andrea is such a happy helper she wants to do everything she possibly can and then more than that too. 
Merle and Mom posing for a picture. He's a constant lap buddy wanting time to snuggle each day. I know this will pass so we sit and sit just enjoying the day. 
The fun continues the slow grind of the day, the busy unwind at night, and the big events fill the winter months. We enjoy this different season and relish time to rest and just be. Life is good!

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